The park

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The sun was the first thing I saw after opening my eyes. It was bright and early in the morning.
I didn't remember what was happening that day, I felt like going back to sleep, when I heard my phone buzz.
It was a message from Osano (along with like 50 others) asking me if I was awake. How did I not wake up the first time? I can feel the eyes of my room mates on me. I quickly gather my clothes to go and change in the bathroom.

There! Nice and simple, a light pink dress and a rose in my hair, I have a feeling Osano would like that. But it's not about him anyway!
The moment my full body stepped out of the bathroom, I was grabbed.
"Baka, what took you so long?!" Osano snapped, he was dressing like a prince! (It looked like it took longer to prepare than the bento!)
At least in my eyes.
"What are you looking at?! You took so long Amao had the time to make breakfast!"
Breakfast? I didn't know this place had a kitchen.

Amao's the best cook I've ever known.
"Glad you enjoy the food," he said chuckling at the look on my face. (Osano shot an envious look at him)
"You must be the best cook at Akademi!" I exclaimed the food was top-notch but failed to recreate the feeling in my stomach that I got when eating Osano's food.
"My twin sister is so much better, you should see her when she cooks!"
Osano almost spat out his food, "You have a twin sister too?!"
"Yes, Amai, she's the leader of the Cooking Club, I take over for her when she's absent."
Amao thinks over what Osano said, " Wait, what's your twin's name?"
"Osana." I couldn't help but pick up the hind of sadness in his tone as that name left his lips. However, Amao didn't seem to catch on.
"Really, how's she going?"
Osano didn't reply or even acknowledge that he had heard Amao at all.
"... I see."
I felt the most uncomfortable I had ever felt in my life, if Amao knew what I would do to his sister if she ever got in the way...

"Osano, Ayano! You'd better head off now!" Someone yelled dramatically, a man with a purple ponytail, the one and only Kizano Sunobu.

"It's everything I dream it to be." Osano cried as if a child seeing snow for the first time. My eyes caught the rainbow letters that read Saikou Park, the glowing cherry blossom trees around it, the food stalls that awaited... I had been here before.

"Her, if you cannot, her daughter if good enough," the man said, his wild eyes ablaze with fury. "I've had enough of their kind."
The man with red eyes nodded, his hair flying about, ruining its tidiness.
"Last time I caught sight of her, see was with another male. Would you like me to get him too?" He asked, choosing his words carefully.
"Anyone that gets in the way, feel free to kill them."

I walked across the park, hand in hand with Osano, it was such a good day. Osano had volunteered (insisted) on paying for everything, if I held his hand in return.

"Oh! My! Gosh!" A girl's voice cried out, emphasising every syllable. "Are you two together?!" My head whipped around, no way! I'm Senpai's one and only!
It was Yui Rio, a 'friend' of mine. Her red hair shorn in the sunlight as she took out her phone.
Osano finally caught on. And pulled his hand from mine.
"N-No! Put that phone away!" He said, his face remained normal while he was blushing like a tomato. I admired his way of doing that, while I hid my face away, Yui snapping pictures.

The red eyed male was handed a bit of paper, on it was a picture of a woman, labeled Ryoba Aishi, under it was a picture of a young school girl, labeled Ayano Aishi. The man sighed through his nose, another set of Yanderes, there's got to be hundreds of Deres in the world, from the way that male with her dressed, he would've swore he was a tsundere.
"Those two are your only targets this month, got it?" The man with the wild eyes said.
The man with the red eyes hit his chest hard with his fist while the other arm remained behind his back. "Yes sir! I am at your service!"

"Want a bite?" Osano took a small scoop of the multi-flavoured ice cream.
With the word 'yes' lingering off my tongue, I caught sight of another couple sharing ice cream and kissing.
"Na, I'm good," I say.

"The hotel at the end of the street to Saikou Park, got it?
Room 4, number 1421, see if she has it."

I couldn't stop the yap that escaped from my throat. This ride was going so much faster than I anticipated, with loops and twists, I found myself grabbing on to Osano, who yelled something into the howling wind. I tried to force myself to let go but I just couldn't, how I wished it was Senpai I held onto.

Room 4, number 1421...

The fireworks danced in the sky, there was only one word to that could describe how it was; stunning.
I remember being here so long ago... the kids bullying me and yelling rude things because I was different. They threw my ice cream onto the floor as my mum cuddled with my dad. But one kid, he stood up to them all...

I bet Amao and Kizano are asleep.
I tiptoed, my bed in sight.
I pulled up the blind, the mess of it all blew me beyond shocked.
Someone had gone through my stuff!

Woah! Almost 1000 words! If you enjoyed please consider leaving a vote, I'll appreciate it a lot, other than that, thanks for reading.
I'm excited for all this story in my head to unravel onto paper.

To love or not to love? (Ayano Aishi x Osano Najimi)Where stories live. Discover now