Booking for a hotel

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What?! Why in the world was he here?! From the back seats of the train, he shot me a glare, one that pierced through my soul. One that said I was his worst enemy, no more, no less.
I gave him the most menacing glare I could muster.
I felt Osano elbow me, "You know this guy?!"
I looked back to Nemesis, he was trying his best to avoid my eyes.
"No," I replied.

"Osano!" A energetic voice almost yapped.
It was a young man, with chocolate brown hair and mint green eyes.
"Amao! Fancy seeing you here!" Osano said, i wondered why he didn't call him 'Baka'. "What are you doing here?"
"Just visiting a friend who's on holiday, Kizano Sunobu, you know, the leader of the Drama club." He said with a cheery grin.
"What about you guys?" He looks at me. "You must be Ayano! Osano's told me lots about you!"
I feels odd to have someone say my name-my real name.
"Y-Yeah, that would be me," I've been stuttering a lot lately.
From the corner of my eye, I see Osano shoot a glare at Amao.

The train stops, we are at our destination! Luckily Nemesis didn't give me any trouble.
"It's dark, Saikou Park would be closed by now," Osano said grimly, looking at the sky.
"Need somewhere to sleep, there's a hotel down there"-he pointed at a large building-"It's the best place you can get!"

"Book in for three please!" Amao said, placing a hand full of yen on the counter, it's like he's been to this place before...
"Number 1202 and 1203 for boys and number 1421 for girls," the receptionist smiles and hands us each a key, Osano and Amao got silver ones while I got a golden one.
"What are these for? I thought we were all basically sleeping in the same room." Osano said,
What does he mean by 'sleeping in the same room'?!
"They're for your lockers of course!" Amao let us to a long hallway with rows of lockers, Osamo and Amao both find theirs and put their bags in. Osano took a small leather book and pen with him.
"Well, this is where we part ways Ayano." Amao said.
"See ya Baka!"
And with that they left, I found my way to the girls section, I got what Osano meant now. Everyone had a section to sleep in, the size of a twin sized bed.
It was like a pod, small but cozy, I mean it even had a TV! A great time to beige watch anime!

Everyone else was off to bed, I guess I should be asleep too, but I just couldn't.
I had watched all the episodes of Attack On Titan and didn't feel like watching any more anime.
I wondered if Osano was still awake, maybe we could have a quick chat, I was tired of tossing and turning. I tiptoed to not wake up my room mates.
I made my way to the boys area, it was weird to be so out of place, but it's not my fault they didn't put locks on the door.
Now 1203 wasn't it? It was the 2nd one up, a bit high with out a ladder.
I pulled up the blind to that pod. Nope! That wasn't Osano! Amao was wide awake, and gave a cute chuckle.
"He's in the one below."
I felt my face go red in the dim light.
I was about to gently knock on the blind to see if Osano was still awake when I felt something hard on the floor.
I picked it up, it was in a pouch, a book. I realised it as the same one Osano had before.
Curiosity took over me, I opened it to read it, it was... a diary of some sort?
In the dim light, I could only make out a few words.
Ayano... New....Sister...Beautiful...
What? Me? New? Osana? Beautiful?
I didn't get it.
"B-Baka! What are you doing!" I soft voice snapped in a whisper. The book was snatched out of my hand... by Osano.
"B-Baka! Don't t-touch things that's not y-yours," he stumbled, before slamming the blind shut.
Aw, so rude. I left for my room again.

This is the end, thank you for reading, I'm excited to start the next chapter because it's when the real action begins!
Finally right?

To love or not to love? (Ayano Aishi x Osano Najimi)Where stories live. Discover now