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He watched from the rooftop of the building, as Byun Baekhyun collapsed to the ground, unconscious and bleeding from his gun shot wound. He pursed his lips and pulled off on his black glove as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. He dialed the last number he called, and waited for them to answer as he watched Park Chanyeol run across the parking lot to his little lover.

"Luhan," they answered. "Were you able to find him?"

Luhan smirked and picked up his rifle as he replied, "Do you doubt my abilities?"

"You know I don't," they said.

"Good, and of course, I found him. He just can't stay away, and it's going to get him killed," Luhan said, as he started to walk toward the fire exit ladder on the side of the building. "I'm leaving now. I'll see you soon."

"Be careful, and don't get caught," they said.

"I never do," Luhan replied with a smirk, before hanging up. He put his phone away and zipped his rifle away into his duffle bag, and as he started to hear the distant footfalls of someone racing up the rooftop stairs, he put his glove back on and shouldered his duffle bag before starting his climb off the roof and down the fire exit ladder.

+  +  +

When Baekhyun opened his eyes for the second time that day, an ache had spread all throughout his body and it hurt to move his arm. Baekhyun cringed as he squinted against the bright light flooding into his eyes, and turned his head to the other side. He quickly took in his surrounds and noticed he was laying in a bedroom?

"Where the hell am I . . .?" Baekhyun mumbled, as he slowly eased himself to his feet. His bit his bottom lip against the ache in his shoulder, as each step he took vibrated up through his body. He stumbled towards the door and tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside. "Shit," Baekhyun whispered.

He turned and glanced around the room, looking for anything that might be able to pick a lock. But there didn't seem to be anything . . .

In the room was a giant four-poster bed with red silk sheets, two night stands on either side and lamps. There was a beautiful oak dresser; a chair; and a plush white rug but nothing else.

"This is really weird . . ." Baekhyun whispered to himself, as he walked back towards the bed and ran his fingers over the soft fabric. He went towards the side table and opened the drawer, looking for anything useful when just then he heard the lock click before the door swung open. Baekhyun quickly spun around, and gasped when he saw Park Chanyeol standing with all his glory in the doorway.

Baekhyun felt himself snap as he stalked towards Chanyeol, and yelled, "I was shot! What the hell kind of greeting is that, Park Chanyeol!?"

Chanyeol's face was tense, and Baekhyun felt bad for yelling at him, but not bad enough to be sorry. Chanyeol's inhaled a deep breath and rubbed his temple, as he replied, "Baekhyun, please, I'm extremely angry right now and it'll be in your best interest not to make it worse."

"Then tell me, what happened?" Baekhyun demanded through gritted teeth.

Chanyeol set his jaw as he stepped towards Baekhyun, and glanced at his shoulder as he asked, "Are you in pain?"

"I'll live," Baekhyun replied.

Chanyeol sighed. "Someone shot you, and I....haven't found them yet," Chanyeol muttered.

Baekhyun blinked in surprise, and retorted, "You mean, someone was able to escape the notorious, Park Chanyeol? Wow, sounds like you need to step up your game."

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