Just another day

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Victoria's Pov:




Constant banging. That's how my mornings start. That or the sounds of sirens blaring through the city.

I would do anything to get away from here, but I don't have anywhere to go or enough money to go anywhere for that matter. I work as a waitress at a local diner in New York. It doesn't pay much I dont even think it pays minum wage, but it gets me by....barley.

Hearing the shouting from upstairs I heard another bang. The people arent very.....friendly in my building. You see I live in a not so nice part of town. I'm actually trying to find another job to get out of this dump but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere anytime soon.

Looking up at the clock I saw it was 5:26 only four minutes before I had to get up for work which starts at 7:00, but I have to walk there which takes about half an hour. Deciding to just go ahead and get ready I hit the 'off' button on my alarm and started my day.

I jumped in the shower real quick and then picked out my outfit whick consisted of black skinny jeans, our white long sleeve shirt and some black vans. My hair cascaded down in it's natural brown wavy locks. I saw I only had five minutes before I had to leave, so I ran to get my bag and made my way to the front door. Stopping by the mirror to check my apperance I saw my dull green eyes looking over my face, which consisted of no makeup and dark bags under the eyes matched with a pale complection.

Pushing those thoughts away I scurried out of the building and made my way down the stairs because this building didnt have a freakin elevator! Yeah all 10 flights of them.

Walking to work in my part of the city or well town was a suicide mission in itself. If you werent selling drugs, you were buying them. If you werent robbing someone you were either helping or you were the one getting robbed.

Thankfully I have only had one encounter with a mugging and they didn't get much, some change and gum. I have learned to be very cautious since then, but considering I don't have a phone makes that a bit harder.

After a good thirty minutes of walking I was standing in front of my work. It had seen better days but it was better than most businesses here.

Walking inside, I was greeted by my creeper of a boss.

"Hello Darlin look at you being early as usual!" Mark, my boss said with a bored tone. He always flirts and looks me up and down like I'm a piece of meat or something.

"Hello Mark" I greeted with a fake smile.

"Aw there's that pretty little smile, now get that gorgeous body out there and make me some money." He said sternly.

I nodded my head walking past him and felling his eyes burn through my ass.

The morning went on as usual and no weirdos came in today well so far which I was thankful for. Around lunch it did speed up a bit and I would have been happy for the amount of customer's but no matter how many customers we get the pay is the same for us. Not even the tips count for us.

After lunch we have to close for 30 minutes to have a lunch break because Mark won't hire enough people for us to take shifts. We close down around 2 and then open about 2:30.

While I was sitting down to eat there was a banging on the front door. Sighing I got up to go 'investigate.'

Standing in front of the glass door there was a very bulky man that had dark hair that I'm pretty sure was black. He wore a pristine black suit and no tie with black ray bans to match.

"Sir, we are closed" I said bored because stuff like this happens a lot.

He just continued to bang like he didn't hear me. I walked over to the door and pointed to the sign indicating that we were closed. He ignored that and kept banging.

"Ugghhhh!" I frustratedly yanked open the door and was greeted with silence for only a moment. What the stranger did next was weird and a bit frightening. He simply walked over to the booth all the way in the back and sat down. It wasn't the fact that he did all of that, but it was the fact that he did it so calm and quietly and why he was so determined to eat here of all places.I mean he has eyes, but tgy obviously don't work right. His clean suit screamed 'Successful' while my dirty apron screamed 'Broke.' You could obviously tell he wasn't from around here.

Sighing I walked back to the break room and tried to finish my lunch only to have a deep, rough voice stop me.

"Aren't you going to take my order?" The man asked sending shivers all up my body.

"We're closed." I stated flatly, tired and hungry.

"No, your not." He said more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah we are, don't you know we clo-" I was interrupted by the man

"What time do you guys open back up?" The guy asked like he already new I was gonna lose the argument.

"2:30" I stated in a bored tone.

" Exactly so I will ask again, are you going to take my order?" He asked in a hard voice which alarmed me no doubt.

Looking down at my watch I saw he was right. Dammit.

Walking over to him I set a menu in front of him, only to have him pick it right back up and shoved in my face.

"Um excuse you?" I asked tired of this bullshit.

" I know what I want." He stated flatly.

"Ok what?"

" I would like a drop the bitchy attitude with a side of new waitress." He said plainly.

" Oh really? Well I would like a new job with a side of a better customer!" I glared at him.

" Well I dont care about your petty poor people problems will you just get me my damn food so I can go to MY job that is actually going somewhere?!" He stated. His mood changing all of a sudden. Talk about bipolar.

" No you can leave!" I said almost in a yell.

He scooted the chair out roughly and walked out without a word, but not before slamming the door behind him.

Good that will be the last of you Mr.Posh. I thought to myself.

I just sighed and went to push his chair in. I noticed something black that stood out from the white tile floor. Picking it up I looked at it closer.


His wallet. Peeking inside I saw boring stuff some credit cards, drivers licence, money and some buisness cards.

The drivers licence said it belonged to a Mr. Rider James. That name rings a bell................. Ehh, it will come sooner or later.

Great! Now he has to come back and get the stupid thing!

Looking closer at the buisness card I saw that the place on the card wasn't that far. Wait a minute, this card says Richard James on it. Holy Shit he has his own company? Well that would explain a lot of things. Maybe I could just give it to someone there and I'll be on my way. Yeah I will do that, this way he won't come here and I can just drop it off and go. In and out. Like a hump and dump, but not really.

Putting the wallet in my bag I worked the rest of the day and closed up preparing to walk all the way to this buisness place tomorrow.Laying in bed I started to doze off thinking about how good of an idea it is to drop the wallet off, instead of him coming back here, but somehow knowing it wasn't.

Hey people I hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions or anything like that, I just started a twitter account just for wattpad so you guys can follow me there at ( @totinos131 ) and I will follow back so it's a win win!:) Thank you for reading and most importantly don't forget to Eat and Sleep!:)

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