Day 2 continuation;)

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YOU GUYS ARE SO BADASS!!! I am flabbergasted! Flabbergasted!! Ok! So I started this part yesterday and I had 691 reads and then I saw today I had 721 reads! You best believe my mouth met the floor! That's how shocked I was!! And 36 votes! Like the fućk? That's crazy. But yes I wanted to thank you all and hope you guys are liking the story so far! If not please give some suggestions as to why you don't like it or anything like that! Thank you!! So without further a damn do! I present you with...........Day 3.............ENJOY!!

! Sexual Content ! YAYY!!;);)

Victoria's Pov:

"Your going to what?" I questioned, licking my lips trying to get the Sahara, also known as my mouth moistened again.

"I said I'm going to show you how sexy you are." He stated dryly and moved down to my most throbbing area.

"Oh uh no I-" I was cut off once again! That seems to happen a lot lately.

"Kitten? Will you be quite and enjoy, or keep talking and get back to work? But you only have one option, so be quiet." He smirked.

I just merely nodded, not really sure what to do in this situation. I mean I was pretty exposed, laid on my back with my new boss's head in between my legs.

Feeling the coolness of his dark cherry desk, helped to ease the burning sensation I felt below, that was now being fueled by this beautiful, yet mysterious man.

Watching him ever so slowly, he began to run his rough, yet smooth hand up my leg and to my underwear. He looked up at me just for a moment, almost as if to study my face, to see if I would actually stop him. My answer to that is hell no.

Bringing his gaze back down to my now throbbing sex, Mr.James or Richard, began to remove my underwear painfully slow, causing me to whimper. This caused Richard to look up at me with lust filled eyes.

"Don't do that!" He hissed.

"I can't really help it!" I said breathlessly.

Rolling his eyes, he finished pulling off my underwear, tossing them to the side. I noticed that he left my heels on, kinky bastard.

He then went all the way to my ankle on my right leg and kissed all the way to the inner thigh, and repeated this same action, with the left leg, making me moan in anticipation.

Richard then went to my swelled clit and began blowing very lightly, just enough to get me soaking wet. He gently kissed around my area, teasing me. I never took my eyes off of him.

Whimpering once more, I tried to silently tell him that I didn't want to play games anymore and I wanted pleasure.

Groaning, Richard plunged his tongue into me, making me gasp in surprise, but then moan in pleasure. His tongue plunged into me, ravishing me in pleasure.

Richard reached his hand up and took my clit in between his thumb and index finger, rolling it gently, only adding to the pleasure, making me cry out in ecstasy.

"Richard!" I cried, once he lifted my legs over his shoulders to allow him to go deeper. I reached above me so that I could grip onto the edge of the desk, to try to relieve some of the pressure.

He pulled back just as I felt the pressure building at the bottom of my stomach, only to plunge two fingers into me. Crying out as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me I didn't notice him add another, as he pumped faster and faster making the pressure in my core build up more and more. With a few hard thrusts, I climaxed onto Richards huge hands.

Looking up Richard winked and brought one of his fingers to his mouth and sucked.

"Mmhhhh" He moaned, making me shudder.

"You taste so good baby girl." He said huskily.

Bringing his fingers up to my lips, he made me taste myself. It was not as bad as you think, you know for being downstairs, but it wasn't a birthday cake either.

Reaching down to where Richard threw my panties, he brought them to my heels and slowly slid them back up my legs, making sure to run his fingers over my legs as he did so.

"I hope you feel more confident about yourself Mrs. Victoria." Richard whispered huskily right next to my ear, making me feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Uh-I y-yes sir." I answered unsure of how to actually answer a question like this.

"Well go home for know and I will see you tomorrow my dear." He whispered slipping back into his chair.

Nodding I scrambled out of his office and began my journey back home, thinking the whole time about how much I enjoyed that little 'meeting' in Mr. James office.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed it and if not ease tell me why!:) Thank you all once again!!!!!! Love you and most importantly STAY HANDSOME!!!!!!!!!!;)

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