Good Morning

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Hey guys!! I can not believe that just 9 weeks ago I only had 38 reads no votes or comments! And now I have 8.19k reads 245 votes and 56 comments! That is so crazy to me! I just wanted to say that I live you guys so much and you are all so so so dedicated to me and I really do appreciate it! Also I am so sorry If I do not respond to some of the votes, I try to respond to them all, it's just when I type a response it always says I repeat the same message but I don't!
Anywho I just wanted to thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart and with out further a damn do!!! I present you with..........Good Morning.......ENJOY!!

Victorias Pov:

When I woke up this morning, I must have forgotten for a split second that my boss had come over to 'help me clean last night' and ended up eating me out, and then falling asleep with me in his arms.

But when I finally did realize as to why my boss was lying on my couch right next to me, squeezing me flush against him, I felt a sense of calmness come over me.

With Richard being over here, it made me realize how much I really do like him and how much I really do want a realistic ship or even something more to come out of this. On the other hand, I knew that there probably wasn't any hope for anything special.

Feeling Richard stir a bit, I directed my attention towards him, to see him already looking down at me.

"Good Morning." He said. Oh. My. Gosh. Can you please keep talking?! His voice in the morning was beautiful! So thick and raspy.

"Good Morning. I answered back, giving a slight smile.

"Sleep well?" He asked

"Yes, thank you. And you?" I asked, just so I could hear more and more of his oh so sexy voice.

"Fine." He said, looking into my eyes. I just noticed that he did that a lot. I wonder why?

"That's good." I said nodding slightly.

I didn't really know what to say, I mean what would you say if your boss fell asleep over at your house after sexually pleasuring you?

"What were you planning on doing today my dear?" Richard asked stroking my cheek.

"Today is Sunday, so nothing." I said shrugging.

"What an exciting life you live, please tell me more." He said chuckling a bit, while moving so he was sitting up more and moved me to where I was tucked under his arm.

"Well, every night, I go to only the most exclusive clubs and only snort the finest cocaine. I don't hang out with anybody at clubs that don't know how to have a good time and most of all I don't drink anything unless it alcohol, even to brush my teeth." I said, trying to keep a straight face. Obviously I was lying but I was just being sarcastic, because he knew as well as I did, that I did absolutely nothing except work and come home everyday.

"Wow. Um I have to go." He said, getting up rather quickly and becoming awkward all of a sudden and avoided my eyes every time he could.

"What?" I asked confused, getting up.

"I have to go!" He said rather loudly, turning back looking me in the eye finally.

"W-why?" I asked rather confused.

"I just have to okay!" He said putting his hand down in the air, almost saying leave it alone.

"B-but I don't understand, I mean just a minute ag-" I started but stopped once Richard gave me a pointed look.

I watched him walk out. He didn't say a word, just walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Confused and a little hurt, I turned and walked to sit on the couch. I started thinking of what I did to make him want to leave so fast. Oh crap. The stupid joke! I'm so stupid! Why Victoria? Why?

I must have sat there thinking about how stupid I was for probably 5 minutes. I just couldn't belie-

I was interrupted from my thoughts, by a knock at the door.

Groaning, I slowly, agonizingly got up and headed to the door.

"What?" I asked slinging the door open.

I actually thought I was hallucinating. At my door, I saw Richard. Standing there. With a smile. A smile!

"Are you se-" I started but was cut of by a pair of warm soft lips.

I felt myself being pushed back against the wall, with Richard flush against my front, pinning my hands above my head.

I loved the feeling of his lips against mine, but u had to push him away, to see why the hell he left like that and why the hell he is back now.

"Why did you leave so suddenly? And so fast? I asked trying to catch my breath.

"Because, I wanted to make it interesting when I do this." He said, smirking.

"What" I asked.

He didn't say anything but just leaned in slowly as began kissing me gently.

Richard's hands went down to my thighs and tapped the back of them lightly, telling me to jump, which I did.

His hands found their way to my ass and massaged gently.

I felt him walking somewhere but my mind was elsewhere as I focused on the growing passion of the kiss.

I felt him sit somewhere soft, so I presume we were on the couch.

We were fighting in the kiss, as it was growing more and more rough. The passion was so strong between us. Just the raw physical attraction was so powerful.

I loved it.

I found it so amazing that, while we were at work, we could act professional, but we really wanted to grab the other person by the waist and kiss them as hard as humanly possible.

That was how we spent the rest of our afternoon, making out and caressing each other, but never going all the way.

It was weird, but I liked it. Just a bit of kissing and sneaky touches here and there, but overall nothing that would make the risk of me getting pregnant.

Heeellloooo!!!! I hope you guys liked it and I just wanted to thank you all and I love you all so so much!! Thank you and until next time! STAY HANDSOME!!!!

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