I didnt want you to leave

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Hey guys, I have decided NOT to delete the story and just work with it a bit more and see where it goes! Oh and thank you to all of you who helped me make my decision on my last update! Special thanks to TeenageDirtboys Just because she has been a really nice support and I always love reading her comments! So thank you! Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Sorry I didn't upload on Christmas I was busy with going to see family, you know how it is. Anyway!! With ought further a damn do!! I present you with...... What are we?............ ENJOY!!

Victoria's Pov:


I sat there straddling Richards lap, frozen. I didn't know what to do. It's not every day you are in a heavy make out session with you hot boss and someone opens the door, with ought knocking.

Or wait? Did they knock?

I don't really know actually, I as to caught up in, well you know kissing my boss. I just realized how bad that actually sounded.

Looking up at Richard, I saw him, completely relaxed.

I tried to get off of his lap, but his hands tightened on top of my thighs, pinning me down onto his lap.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered harshly.

He didn't say anything, just turned his attention to the door.

I figured in Richards lap, trying to remove myself from him as quickly as possible and save myself from any further embarrassment.

Hearing Richard groan, I looked up to him, thinking I had hurt him moving around so much.

"I would stop doing that if I were you kitten." He whispered harshly, leaning his head to suck on my neck roughly.

Holding back a moan, I rolled my head to the side, allowing him more access.

I heard an awkward cough come from Richards office door, reminding me that we weren't alone.

Hearing Richard groan, I stayed silent and waited for someone to speak, which didn't take long.

"Can I help you?" Richard asked rather rudely if you ask me.

"Uh- y-yes sir, I'm sorry to b-bother you, but Mr. Johns n-needed the reports on h-his desk by the end of the d-day." A young mans voice stuttered nervously.

"Ok!" Richard said the annoyance showing through his words.

There was silence for a few seconds and then Richard spoke up.

"Well is that all?" He spoke harshly once more.

"Y-yes sir, sorry I-il go now." With that I heard the large door shut loudly.

I waited a minute, just to make sure that he was gone.

"I am mortified." I said pulling back and running my fingers over my face.

"Why?" He chuckled.

"Did you not just see what happened?" I asked rhetorically.

"I did. What's the problem?" He asked genuinely confused.

"We were just, making out, and then some one walked in and caught us. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't get up, because you wouldn't let me." I said poking his chest on my last sentence.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't want you to leave." He said, reaching up to stroke my cheek.

"Oh! And don't get me started on how mean you were to that po-!" I started.

"Wait what?" I whispered, shocked.

"I said, I didn't want you to leave." He said quietly.

"Why do you do that?" I whispered, looking into his eyes.

"Do what?" He asked running his thumb over my bottom lip.

"You just confuse me so much, one minute we are near biting each other's head off and the next we want to have see right up against a wall." I huffed.

"I like the second option." He winked

"Seriously?" I asked rhetorically, again.

"I don't know! I guess I'm just afraid." He murmured, looking away from me.

"Of what?" I asked pulling his face back to meet my gaze.

"Of falling for you." He said quietly.



Cliffhanger! Sorry it's short! But I just am trying t out a bit more emotion into is and get it on a better story line! Hope you did like it though! Thank you and I love you! Until next time!! STAY HANDSOME!!!!

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