Day 4

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What the shit!? You guys are so damn incredible that every time I look on wattpad I get more and more excited!! You guys are so badass and I love you all very much! Thank you for the continued support and please continue with the continued support!!!! Hahaha;) So without further a damn do I present you with..............Day4 ..............................
Victoria's Pov:

I was left confused my Richards actions. I mean 'Does he like me?' Or 'Am I just some toy?' Maybe I a just a tease! I don't know, but I can't help the feelings I get when I am around him. Just these pleasant little tingles that make me feel all warm and giddy inside.
But I know all to well of being hurt and used in a relationship. Shuddering at the flashbacks running through my head, I still have the nightmares of him touching me, even when I begged him to stop.

Feeling something warm trail down my cheek, I realized that I had been crying. Shaking off those all to familiar thoughts, I made my way into Mr. James office.

"Mr. James?" I asked

""What!" He huffed turning around.

"Oh I'm sorry sir! I can come back if you would prefer?" I said a bit intimidated.

"Sweetheart?" He asked turning around.

"Y-yes sir?" I said.

"Oh my mistake baby girl. I thought you were someone else. You know you didn't knock." He said huskily.

Shit. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't- I mean I forgot-to lock-I mean knock, s-sorry." I studdered turning my head to look at the floor, slightly embarrassed by my stuttering.

Hearing some shuffling, I thought he was getting up to hit me. I don't know why because I have been alone with him before, but I have never been with him really when he is mad or not satisfied, well by my fault anyway.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. James hand reach up to touch my face, making me flinch.

"Y-you thought I was going to hit you?" He asked shocked.

I didn't say anything, just slightly nodded.

"Why would you ever think that? Why would you ever think I would hit you? Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?" He asked sternly.

"No" I whimpered softly. I don't understand why I am still letting my stupid ex mess with my head and he is not even here. Maybe it is because I am actually getting a bit closer to Richard and thinking about the past is my way of protecting myself from getting hurt.

"Then why did you flinch when I went to touch you?" He asked in a hard voice.

"Nothing you just scared me is all. I was thinking about something." I explained.

"No! Don't lie to me!" He roared, making me nervous that someone might hear.

"I-I um" I swallowed the lump in my throat, scared to tell him that my ex used to beat me.

"What spit it out!" He said clearly not happy about my lack of answers.

"I can't." I said softly, but still a bit louder than before letting him know I was getting a bit irritated with his persistence.

"And why the hell not." He yelled again.

"Because." I said a bit louder almost yelling, but not quite.

"Why? Victoria? Why did you flinch when I went to touch you?" He yelled again!

"Because how am I supposed to tell you, a person that I barley know and that has fondled me a little, that my ex boyfriend used to beat, rape, and verbally abuse me every single night of my life while we were together! And you know what the sick part about it was? He brought some of his friend to 'have a go' as he called it, when they didn't have anywhere to go! I couldn't even get out Of the stupid relationship because he threatened to kill me! So don't yell at me with your big mocho attitude to tell you my secret because I may have not been ready to tell you! But that has all gone to shit now haven't it?!" I yelled, flailing my arms around. Just now noticing that I was crying.

Mr. James looked shocked.

We fell into a silence, neither awkward, nor comfortable, just silence.

Without saying a word, Richard walked over to me.

He reached out slowly, as if making sure I wouldn't blow up again, which I don't blame him for.

He took me into his arms and lifted me to his chest, taking me to his chair and sitting me on his lap, just cradling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, that you had to go through that, that I yelled at you and forced you to say it, and that I made you cry." He whispered kissing my neck in between each statement.

I didn't say anything for a bit, just cried silently.

"It's not your fault, I was probably going to tell you anyway." I said

"Yes sweetheart, but I shouldn't have forced it out of you so soon, it was not my place, and for that I am truly sorry. He said softly.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No, thank you my sweet." He whispered.

Confused I asked " Why?"

"You will find out soon enough my dear." He said caressing my check with his thumb. It's weird how the situation turned around. Yelling to whispering to each other softly. I know I should be mad that he forced the information out of me, but the truth is I could have not told him, I think some part of me wanted to tell him, but did not want to relive the memory.

So here we sat in silence just letting him hold me and think about what he thought of me know that he knows that bit of my life, but not in depth, just the gist of what happened. Of course I wasn't going to unload all of that right now, maybe later though, maybe.

Hey guys! Finally I thought I was never going to upload today. But I did and I want to thank you all and hope you enjoyed! I bet no one thought she his that part of her life so well. Just goes to show you smiles can hide a lot. So be nice to people you aren't now or those people in your class that don't talk much, because chances are there is a reason for them acting that way. But anyway thank you all so much and most importantly STAY HANDSOME!!!!!!!!

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