Shopping Run Ins

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for all of the reads and votes and comments! I really do appreciate you all and I don't take anything for granted so every single read comment vote whatever it be means the world to me! So thank you all so so so so much and without further a damn do I present you with............. Day 5 .......................ENJOY!

Victoria's Pov:

Yesterday was defiantly something. I cannot lie to myself and say that I didn't enjoy the soft side I have been seeing on Mr. James lately. It is a little confusing though, I mean one minute he is mean and arrogant, and the next he is sweet and kind. Maybe I should hint about being bipolar to him, but that would cost me my job more than likely.

I am kinda happy that I let Mr. James know a bit of my past that no one else does , not even my parents. Now I know you may ask yourself,' Isn't this 'relationship' you and your boss have, moving a bit fast?' I would agree. I would also say it is a bit confusing.

That being said, I hope he doesn't hold my secret over my head. Oh great, now I'm nervous! 'Victoria calm down, if he wanted to do something bad to me he would have done so already' I said to myself.

I just hope I am right.

On to other things, right now I am on my couch, watching spongebob, because let's be real, Spongebob never gets old!
Anyway, I planned to go with one of my friends to go shopping for a bit, but they had to go into work at the last minute.

So now I think I am going to go by myself into town, well more towards the city, to look around in some of the stores.

With that, I got up off the couch and started the horrible task I call, getting ready.

15 minutes later:

Ok! So even though getting ready didn't take long, because all I did was put on some shorts,a shirt and put my hair into a pony tail, I still didn't enjoy one bit of it.

Making my way out of the building, I looked around at the dirt covered walls.
Thinking how anyone could even stay here. I mean the only reason I stay here is because I don't have the money to do otherwise. I can't even stand the sight of it here, not to mention the smell.

Once outside, I started the 20 minute walk from here to the inner town, which is closer to the city. It wasn't bad outside today though, it was warm and the wind blew occasionally, just enough to give me those little goosebumps that danced across my skin.

25 minutes later:

It took me a bit longer to get to the shops than I wanted because a freakin taxi ran over a puddle and soaked me on the right side of my body!

So now I found myself inside of a shop called 'France's' looking for a new outfit. Everything was pretty cheap here so that was good.

Rack after rack and I couldn't seem to find anything worth keeping. I mean I didn't want to buy one thing and never get use out of it ever again, I wanted to be able to wear it more than once.

"How about this?" A deep husky voice whispered from behind me. The hot breath I felt in my neck, let me know how close he actually was.

Turning around, I saw Mr. James holding a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top.

"Thank you." I nodded, taking the outfit of choice from his firm grasp.

"Mind telling me what happened?" He asked.

"Oh uh the taxi- um a taxi ran over a puddle and it spray- splashes me-um yeah I got wet." I said using my hand as a gesture to my soaked body.

"I can see that." He said with a small chuckle.

"Then why did you ask." I replied

"Woah! Why the snappy attitude?" He asked raising his hands in defense.

"Sorry. Today just hasn't been my day I guess." I huffed out.

"I can see that, but why are you alone?" He asked with, what was that? Concern?

"Why does it matter?" I asked trying to see what he was getting at.

"Because, it's dangerous out here alone. Especially, near our apartment." He said

"Our apartment?" I asked

"I live in the same apartment you do." He said, nodding his head like I should know this.

I thought about it for a moment. The elevator!

"Oh yeah! You the only one that knows we had an elevator." I said

"Yeah. How did you not hear it?" He asked confused.

"I guess I just never really thought about it that much because I was told we didn't have one so I didn't listen out for one." I shrugged.

"Oh well I guess that makes sense." He said unsure.

"Aren't you going to change?" He asked nodding to the outfit he had chosen.

"What? Oh yeah! I guess I should do that now." I said, turning around to make my way into the changing rooms.

"Wait!" He called.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to meet his heated gaze.

"Do you need any help?" He asked smirking.

"Hmmmmm no I think I'm good. But thank you for asking." I said politely.

"Anytime." He said bowing his head a bit.

Turning around to continue my journey to the changing rooms, only to be stopped once more.

"I will see you tomorrow sweetheart." His deep voice rasped, sending those chills up my spine.

I didn't find the need to answer and just kept on walking to my destination.

Thank you all and I hope you enjoyed!!! My dad is summoning me so I must be going but I love you all so much and most importantly STAY HANDSOME!!!!

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