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Trigger Warning¿?¿
Jonah's Messages

Jack Avery

Please tell me
Ur okay
What did he do
To you?

Hey Jonah
Im fine
He just beat
The living shit
Out of me

Jack thats not okay

Its okay really
He's done it before
Just never this bad

Do you need me to
Come and get you?

He'll find me
He'll hurt you
And that's the
Last thing I

Has he abused you
This whole time?


Jack has he done
Anything else to you?


What did he do?

He made me do
Things to him
He did things to
Me i didn't want
It to happen
But I was scared

Oh my God Jack
Please leave him

I can't I'm
Scared to

Jack, what happened
The day we broke up?

Well Edwin had came
Over, he bought me
Ice cream and cookie
He told me he'd
Always be there
For me
Told me you didn't
Deserve me
I was a crying mess
He consoled me
He took me to my bedroom
Layed me down on my
Bed told me to relax
He would never hurt me
I could trust him
He took my clothes off
He then took his own
He was then on top
Of me
Telling me that I was
His now
That he could do whatever
He wanted to do to me
I couldn't speak
He raped me

Jack I'm so sorry
That's awful

It wasn't the last time
He would only come
Over when he wanted to get
High or if he was horny
I couldn't leave him
I can't leave him
Of course the fans still hate me
So theres nothing I can do

Please come to the park on 25th st tonight at 9pm

Okay I'll try

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Jonahmarais I'll be waiting
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