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Liked by eben, jackavery, corbynbesson, and 321,531 othersNickmara okay thats it, Im done acting like all this hate doesn't bother me

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Liked by eben, jackavery, corbynbesson, and 321,531 others
Nickmara okay thats it, Im done acting like all this hate doesn't bother me. I understand that everyone has opinions but this is ridiculous. Me and my friends have done nothing wrong. We love the boys very much and it is awful how u think we are just using them. Jack and I went through the same thing with Edwin. He was awful to us so after his sorry ass was thrown in jail we decided to meet up. And Im so glad we did because those boys are amazing. Im glad we all found eachother. This hate is not necessary. Who cares if we didnt all wear tuxes to the wedding, we all did btw the photos we posted were from the reception where we all changed. Who cares if i hang out with Zach, I would never cheat on Brandon and Zach would never cheat on Eben. The fact that you guys even think thay is disgusting. So please stop the hate because my boyfriend is laying in a damn hospital bed because of it.

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