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Liked by eben, brandonarreaga, Corbynbesson, and 824,163 othersJonahmarais some of yall are confused so to clear some things up

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Liked by eben, brandonarreaga, Corbynbesson, and 824,163 others
Jonahmarais some of yall are confused so to clear some things up. 1.) Jack took my last name, he is now Jack Robert Frantzich. 2.) We have only been married for a few months. 3.) We got married with Brandon and Nick. 4.) Yes Austin and Zion are the only non married couple in our group, please don't bug them about it. 5.) We didn't mean to hide anything from you, we had already planned the wedding but then everything with Bee happened, so we postponed to help Nick and Bee in troubling times. We all had decided to not tell the fans because we knew how yall would react.6.) We all love you and hope you understand.

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Liked by jonahmarais, eben, Austinporter, and 824,634 othersBrandonarreaga so Jonah did this and I thought I would clear some things up

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Liked by jonahmarais, eben, Austinporter, and 824,634 others
Brandonarreaga so Jonah did this and I thought I would clear some things up. 1.) We did have a double wedding, it was Harry Potter themed because Jonah and Nick are losers. 2.) Jonah already told you why we hid it from you guys. I had just gotten out of the hospital and we all thought it was best not to pile on our marriages right away. 3.) Nick and I decided on a hyphenated last name. Our last name is now Arreaga- Mara. 4.) We are truly sorry for lying to all of you. We love yall.

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Liked by nickmara, austinporter, zionkuwuno, and 734,163 othersCorynbesson Since Bee and Jonah both posted one of these thought I should explain some things too

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Liked by nickmara, austinporter, zionkuwuno, and 734,163 others
Corynbesson Since Bee and Jonah both posted one of these thought I should explain some things too. First off, Dani and I got married about 6 months ago. He took my last name if you guys didn't know, he didn't want to change his Instagram user till we explained that part. Yes we did leave our honeymoon for Bee. We didn't want to leave all our friends in that hard time. The boys had every right to keep their marriage a secret and if I see one negative post about them I'll hunt you down. Thank you guys for being supportive. Love yall.

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Liked by nickmara, zionkuwuno, danielbesson, and 735,024 othersEben sup guys, I dotn have much to say just a few things

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Liked by nickmara, zionkuwuno, danielbesson, and 735,024 others
Eben sup guys, I dotn have much to say just a few things. Zach took my last name. He is now Zachary Dean Franckewitz. Bee, Nick, Jo, and Jack don't need to get any hate for not telling yall they got married. Corbs and Dani both decided themselves to leave their honeymoon, don't go hate on Bee for making them miss it. I love you guys but please don't hurt my friends.

Almost done with this book guys

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