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"So I'm here with Jonah and Austin

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"So I'm here with Jonah and Austin. Brandon just went into surgery, we are waiting for them to be over. Zach, Zion, and Eben are in the cafe, trying to keep it together. I mean, they're getting coffee. You didn't hear that from me. "


Instagram Story

"Jack said we were trying to keep it together?" Eben"Yeah babe, that's what he said" Zach"Well screw him" Zion"Zee, he isn't lying" Zach"Shut up Zach" Zion"Zee is right tho, one of our best friends is in surgery right now" Eben"I know that and the...

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"Jack said we were trying to keep it together?" Eben
"Yeah babe, that's what he said" Zach
"Well screw him" Zion
"Zee, he isn't lying" Zach
"Shut up Zach" Zion
"Zee is right tho, one of our best friends is in surgery right now" Eben
"I know that and they know that, Im just trying to not cry for the 20th time" Zach
"Ah Zay! C'mere so I can hug you" Zion


Instagram Story

"Were we on our honeymoon? Yes" Daniel"But is our friends well being more important Yes" Corbyn"Are we really driving 13 hours just to see Bee?" Daniel "Why yes we are Babe" Corbyn"Why would that be?" Daniel"We love Brandon very much and his healt...

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"Were we on our honeymoon? Yes" Daniel
"But is our friends well being more important Yes" Corbyn
"Are we really driving 13 hours just to see Bee?" Daniel
"Why yes we are Babe" Corbyn
"Why would that be?" Daniel
"We love Brandon very much and his health is more important than our stupid honeymoon." Corbyn

Update for y'all
Dedicated to -KlausMarais

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