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I don't know why I told Jonah everything. I don't why he wants to save me. Edwin always tells me I'm too much trouble than I'm worth.
I don't know what I did wrong for Edwin to beat me that bad. I understand that I shouldn't have like Jonah's photo, but he didn't have to hurt me.
I mean sure I'm used to the usual punch here and there. And the times he brings an actual taser.
At least on my birthday, he left me alone. Although the next day he did rape me several times. I guess it was a fair trade.

I arrive at the park a little past 9pm. Edwin hadn't texted me yet, asking where I was.
That was good, I think.

"Jack, is that you" I turn around and see Jonah. I run into his arms and hug him for dear life.

"You dont understand how badly I've missed you" I say, squeezing him tighter.

"I can imagine, I've missed you so damn much." He says.

"You're not mad at me?" I ask,looking up at him.

"I was at first. Not gonna lie" He says. "But after what you told me,the only person I'm mad at is Edwin."

"Can we go to your apartment?" I ask.

"Of course." He says.

We start to walk off when all of a sudden, I hear my name being called.

"Jack Robert Avery! How dare you try to run away from me!" I flinch at his words.

"You do not get to walk away from me. Especially with him!"

"Jack?" Jonah questions looking down at me.

"Mhm" I mumble.

"Everything is going to be okay."

"You are such a worthless piece of crap! Did you know that Jack? You are so fucking sensitive!"

Soon enough I feel a fist colliding with my jaw. The bruise that was already there stings. Jonah pushes me behind him.

"What the fuck is wromg with you?" Jonah yells.
"First you ruin his innocence then you fucking abuse him daily!"

"He deserved every punch, every kick, every tase, everything I did to him!"
"He is nothing but a nuisance"

"He is not. Jack is an amazing person and you ruined him!"

I close my eyes and put my hands on my ears. I can't take this. I can't take all the screaming.

"Jo can we leave?" I ask quietly.

"Yes we can." He replies.

"No you are going home with me! You do not get to run back into Jonah's arms just because you can't take a few hits!"
He grabs my arm, holding on so tight that a bruise will form.
He trys to drag me with him but Jonah won't let him.

"What is going on over here?" A police officer comes over.

"Nothing at all M'am ." Edwin says, he still has a tight grip on my arm.

"Could you let go of the boy." She says.

"I don't really want to. With all due respect, this is my boyfriend. So I think we'll be on our way now."

"Edwin I swear to God! If you do nor let go of Jack. I will hurt you!" Jonah says.

I look over at the officer she seems to have grabbed her police radio. I can see her whisper something into it.

"Okay, how about we all just take a deep breath?"

"Izzy,what's going on here?" Another officer appears walking up to Izzy.

"This gentleman here, Edwin I think is what the other called him. Doesn't want to let go of the small one."

"Jack is my boyfriend, not Jonah's. I can do whatever the fuck I please to him" Edwin says.

"You cannot do what you want with him! You have been abusing him for the past 5 ½ months. You have been raping him. You do not deserve him!" Jonah yells.

"Okay that's it!" Izzy says.
"You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." She handcuffs Edwin, he trys to resist.

"I did nothing wrong!" He yells.

"It would be best if you kept your mouth shut." The other officer says.

"May we leave now?" Jonah questions.

"Sure, stop by the police station tomorrow morning though." Izzy says walking Edwin to her police car.

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