left in the dark (5)

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WHOA THIS CHAPTER WAS HARD TO WRITE. apparently it took me a whole eighteen days to write, lol, what the heck. well, better late than never.

also, lol, i lost like twenty followers in a day, i think. that was kinda funny. i guess i'm just THAT inactive xD



Arriving at Midna's house, I notice at once its modest size and the pretty, bright-colored flowers decorating its exterior. We walk up a small brick walkway up to her porch before Midna unlocks the door and steps inside. Immediately, my mind is put at ease, and I feel safe while entering through the wooden doors.

The smell of a simple stew permeates my senses, and I sigh in appreciation for just a moment. Even though I had that cake at Malon's, it didn't do much to sate my appetite, and I'm still quite hungry.

Kicking off her shoes, Midna calls, "Mom? I'm here with Zelda."

Shortly after, a voice rings from, presumably, the kitchen, followed by the clattering of pans. "Wonderful! I can't wait to meet her!"

Passing Midna a slightly worried glance, I follow her into the kitchen, where her mom is making dinner. "Hi, Mrs. Willoughby," I greet, almost shyly. "Thank you so much for having me here."

"Oh, none of that!" she exclaims, setting a pot on the stove before giving me a cordial hug. "We're so happy to have you!"

Midna laughs lightly, rolling her eyes, "All of us except for Zant, you mean."

Her mother is lithe and slim, almost a mirror copy of Midna. Instead of being a bright orange like Midna's, her hair is a deeper, almost reddish color, and she exudes a stately yet warm persona. "Well, you may be right on that," Mrs. Willoughby agrees regretfully. "But I'm sure he'll warm up over time! Midna, would you mind helping me set the table? I'd like to have dinner ready before your dad gets home from work."

"I can help with that," I respond easily. "Where are all the dishes?"

"No no," Mrs. Willoughby quickly shakes her head. "You're our guest! Have a seat in the living room while we finish plating up; it'll all be done in a little bit."

Persistent, I decide on insisting, "It's no trouble, really. I'd love to help out."

Handing me a handful of silverware, Midna shuffles me into the living room. "There we go. You work on that, and I'll bring in the plates once Mom's done with them."

With a little shrug of my shoulders, I begin working on what I was tasked with, humming a little bit under my breath. Moments later, after all the food's been placed on the table, the front door opens, and the sound of a bag dropping on the floor greets our ears.

"Is everyone still alive and intact?" comes a call.

"Yes, Dad, of course," Midna says with a small roll of her eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed I can imagine. "Dinner's on the table, and I'm gonna call Zant down."

Her father steps into the living room, looking surprised to see me. "Oh! We have a guest tonight?"

"Honey, weren't you looking in the family group text?" Mrs. Willoughby asks, peeking through the kitchen doorway. "Midna and I had a whole conversation about it just an hour ago."

"...Oh..." Mr. Willoughby says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I guess I did miss it. It's a pleasure to meet you...." His voice trails off as he waits for my name.

"Zelda," I say with a small smile, feeling incredibly awkward.

"Yes, pleasure to meet you, Zelda! By the way, dinner smells great," Mr. Willoughby presses a kiss to his wife's forehead before stepping into the kitchen to wash his hands.

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