a true miracle (10)

914 44 69

posted 08/09/19


chap in celebration of summer! let me know what you thiiiiink ;))) vote/comment/stuff if you like it.

ps - i'm sorry to everyone starting school soon :((( i start in september, lol.


(also Bazzi's new mixtape came out today whaaaat, omg)


Scurrying into Mr. Ghirahim's room with about the grace of a newborn foal, Malon and I arrive at our seats breathlessly, and Link looks up at me in curious mirth. "Are you alright there, Zel?" he asks me, from his seat right beside me. "You look like you just ran a marathon."

Happening to overhear Link's comment, Mr. Ghirahim bursts into our conversation with indignant interest, "She most certainly did not run a marathon. I'll have you know that she was utterly useless during her gym period today, Mr. Finlay."

Blinking half in shock and half in mortification, I clear my throat awkwardly, hoping that Malon and Midna are prepared to carry out my forthcoming funeral. Sneaking a glance at Link, I can see that he's just as much at a loss as I am, his expression puzzled and confused.

The room is dead silent, and I feel my cheeks grow hot in embarrassment.

With a groan and a sigh, Mr. Ghirahim stomps his foot impatiently, "Young people, take out your notebooks! Am I just a joke to you all?" No one makes a move to do anything, everyone frozen in place. "Take out the notebooks!" he exclaims again, throwing his hands in the air, growing increasingly aggravated with each passing second.

Sorting through my stuff in my bookbag, I lug my huge binder out, flipping to the homework from last night. "Thanks, Midna," I whisper behind me. She sent me pictures of the homework last night, and I scribbled the work and answers down just this morning.

"No problem," Midna responds, shooting me a knowing grin and flicking her eyes towards Link. "What's up with you and Finlay over there anyways?"

Coughing into my sleeve, I rustle through my pages in order to prevent Link from overhearing our conversation, "Nothing! We're just friends, Mid..."

Mr. Ghirahim shoots us a glare before getting a very mischievous glint in his eyes, "Ms. Haiden. Ms. Willoughby. Since you both have the audacity to talk in the midst of my lesson, why don't you both go and put the answers to questions nine and ten on the board." He keeps his conniving eyes on me as I try to stand and maneuver around my chair, paper in hand.

Somehow, my foot catches on the leg of the chair, and I fly forward, banging my head into the chair ahead of me. Instantly, Link is up on his feet, as are Groose and Sheik from different corners of the room. Three different hands are stretched out to help me, and I accept two of them, leaving Groose hanging in the process. Quite flustered, I mumble a quick "thank you" before starting to hobble up to the front of the room.

Taking an expo marker and uncapping it, I stare at the blank whiteboard for a few seconds before staring at my homework, hoping to make sense of all the symbols scattered across the page. Shakily, I bring my marker up, beginning to write down the problem in the hopes of buying me a bit more time.

Midna appears next to me a moment later, whispering hints at me as softly as possible while she begins putting up her own problem.

From the corner of my eye, I see flashes of quick movement but brush it off as people getting antsy, waiting for me to put my dang problem on the board. I spin away from the board once the classroom takes the leap of being uncomfortably quiet to uncomfortably loud, voices raised and sickening cracks heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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