Fashion Show

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Hanbyeol looks at Yuna through the mirror. She kept her hands underneath her legs to hide that they were shaking. It didn't take much smarts to realize that the other models were covering their mouths to talk about her. Hanbyeol closes her eyes as Yuna touches up her eye makeup.

She speaks under her breath, only Yuna could hear since she was so close to Hanbyeol. "Unnie, I'm scared. I know they are talking about me. What if they try something."

"They won't do anything Hanbyeol-ah. All they do is bark." Yuna leans back to look at her dongsaeng.

Ever since the backlash started, Yuna and the rest of the team have been worried about their friend. The night that they all arrived at her house, they had found her crying on her couch. Minyoung had hugged her until she calmed down and Yuna sent the boys for drinks and food while texting the rest of the crew to come over immediately.

Yuna pulls back the makeup brush and lifts Hanbyeol's chin gently. She grabs Hanbyeol's hands and squeezes them. "If they try something, call for either me, Minyoung, or Daesung oppa. I know Daesung will pull you out as soon as you say something." 

Hanbyeol lets out a deep breath and nods. She feels Yuna rubbing her hands to soothe her further. Though her words did not lessen her anxiety towards the other females here, they did make her feel more relieved. Ever since everything happened, she knew that she had some people behind her for support. She hears her name be called by one of the backstage managers, it was time to start the show. 

"Time to line up. Minyoung-ah will be here with the next outfit when you are done, now go and show those girls that you are strong."

She smiles brightly and nods at her unnie. She gets up and gets in her place, which was near the front. It is time to be Hera, the unbreakable girl, and not Hanbyeol, the fragile girl. With her head held high, she walks the runway with confidence. 

She had done it again, now changed into a cream dress. Hanbyeol had thought that she could get through the day without incident, but she was so wrong. As soon as she had finished her second walk, everything started to go down hill. When she had stepped backstage again something was thrown in her face. With a screech, Hanbyeol covered her face and crouched when it started to hurt. A sickly sweet voice answered in response.

"Oops. I am so clumsy, I spilled my coffee. Sorry." 

Hanbyeol didn't even get the chance to see who it was before she felt gentle hands pull her up and drag her to who knows where. All she heard was a door close after she is set down in a seat. Cold hands touch her face and she leans into the soothing feeling.

"Minyoung-ah, grab cold towels now. Her skin is burning up. Yuna-ah, go find out who those girls are right no." 

"No, no," Hanbyeol instantly looks at Daesung, her manager, "I am finishing this show now. I can't let this stop me."

Yuna looks between herself and the older male. "Hanbyeol, you can't continue."

"Yes, I am." Hanbyeol stares down her team, "I have ten minutes or so before I go back out. Yuna, go get cold towels. Minyoung, help me change into the next outfit. Daesung, report this to someone, anyone."

Daesung looks at Hanbyeol, trying to hide a smile. "Fine, it's your call."

Everyone then rushes to do what Hanbyeol had asked of them. It wasn't often that Hanbyeol dropped honorifics for her team, but it was even less common for her to actually take charge and order them around.

Minyoung helps her dongsaeng out of the now stained cream dress. Yuna had come back to apply the cold towels to help soothe her skin and had started to wipe the running makeup off her skin when she had changed into the new outfit.

The next few minutes were then filled with cold compresses. Hanbyeol's skin started to turn back to its normal color within the last few minutes available. As soon as her skin was back to not smoldering hot, Yuna started to fix her makeup to the best of her abilities.

Daesung pops back into the room, "One minute Hanbyeol."

Quickly she rushes out of the room and to where she needed to go. She ignores the hushed whispers as she passes many other models, she didn't need to know what they were saying. Right as her name is called, Hanbyeol steps right up to the stage entrance. With a heavy sigh and a shake of her limbs, Hanbyeol then steps onto the runway to finish what she started.

| Comments left on fashion show live |

SporkHerald look at Hera show the haters she is untouchable
Wisdomvander is she okay, her face looks puffy

Wheennovaaa ewww, get her off the stage
Taoflavoredd87 attention freak
clawtabbie246  i bet you she thinks she better than everyone
56kibligbib what happened???

.- -. -.. -..-. - .... . -..-. - . .- -..-. --. . - ... -..-. .... --- -

ignore any mistakes, i have edited this yet

what do you think the truth is? i am curious of what you think the instagram post was about


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