Awkward School Moments

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That awkward moment when:

1. The class is completely silent and your stomach growled (This happened to my friend and she just bursted out laughing)

2. Your walking down the hallway and you run into the wall.

3. Some kid in the grade before you passes you in the hallway and rubs your butt when your not looking...

4. You have a hammock in your classroom (it doesn't seem awkward but what some of the guys do in that thing just makes you want to see the guidance counsellors)

5. You get your hair caught in your locker door.

6. You look inside your desk and there is a rotten smelly banana that has been there for the past 5 months. (It wasn't the desk I sat at, but I volunteered to clean it out for another guy in my class... I regret everything)

7. Your friend shoves themselves in someone else's locker.

8. You call your teacher mom (classic)

9. Your teacher used to be friends with your parents.

10. Your teacher used to teach your parents.

11. Your teacher asks you for an answer to a question and you were completely lost in space.

12. The teacher jumps up on someone's desk and starts lip syncing french rock songs in their faces (best french class ever)

13. You put your lunch in the microwave and its explodes for everyone to see.

14. You find out that your health teacher is a guy...

15. You get hit in the head with a frisbee.

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