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I hear the familiar but irritating ring of the bell, I'm pretty sure I did pretty good on the test. Failing after all those hours of work would be embarrassing, screw English honestly. I take my booklet and test and walk up to my teachers desk. "Hello good sir, as you can see I am capable of something." He raises an eyebrow to me slowly reaching his hand out to take my work. He carefully flips through the papers and hums. 

"I'm surprised, I was really expecting to hold you back to fix it all." He says clicking his pen. "If I'm being completely honest, I'm excited to grade this." He says placing my work on a pile. I scrunch my nose to the large pile, "sir not to sound like an asshole but, why exactly did you become a teacher." I point to the stack of work. He just laughs, "I don't know." He shrugs off my question. I just nod in reply, "all right then, bye." I wave walking out the classroom.

I walk outside to the front if the school, to the court yard as I past a bunch of kids. I decided to take a short cut home. I usually avoid rushing home but I was in a good mood and needed to brag. In the distance I saw the Breyer Brothers, I took a sharp turn down a random street moving quickly. Clearly I wasn't being inconspicuous at all because I turned behind me to see the Breyer Brothers copying my pace. I begun to sprint in attempt lose them.

Again looking behind me they were catching up to me, I looked ahead of me having no clue where I was going. "Fuck off already." I mumble. I look again one last time to see an empty street, I let out a sigh of relief before I bump into something. I looked to see what I ran into. I fall backwards in panic.

"Look at what we have here?" Brett spat. I never usually ran into them and if I did they'd usually ignore me. It must have been the incident this morning that caused them to go after me. I furrow my eyebrows in anger at the two boys getting up on my two feet. "You really shouldn't be putting your reputation down by hanging out with the fosters." Burke joined the conversation.

"Because as soon as you do, you'll be apart of their little loser family. Bad luck and all." Brett finished walking closer to me, I take a step back to create distance but he only walks closer. "And we'll make you and your boyfriend pay to fix our car." I scoffed at them. "The car that YOU ran into him? I don't think so." I snickered at the boys.

Burke pushed me  on the floor and rested his foot  to prevent me from getting up again. "Take this as a warning kid." He whispers to me before jamming his foot harder in my stomach before walking away laughing with his brother. "What the heck was that." I mumble under my breath. I lift myself off the ground again. I try to make my way back to where I came from so I could find out where I was. I only got myself more lost before having to use my phone. The map just shows I had been walking in the opposite direction of my house. I roll my eyes and held onto my bag straps and walked back in the direction of home.

It was late before I actually got home, as I entered the door I was greeted by an angry voice. "Where have you been?" He voice growled "I had to finish up extra homework." I said grabbing some leftovers from the table and making my way upstairs. "You couldn't of called me, texted?" He yelled out to me from downstairs. 

I turned around and walked back down the stairs and sat at the table to listen to his lecture. I begin eating as he continues to scold me, "I had no idea if you had been hurt! Or worse killed! Anything can happen in this town especially after-" I cut him off "Yeah, I know." There had been reports of missing kids lately and it sent most people into a panic. I finished up and washed my dishes before walking back to my room closing. I threw my bag down and jumped on my bed. I rested there for a while before grabbing my school bag and pulling out the comic book I had previously been reading. 

I begin to scan over the pages and looked closely at the detailed pictures. Comics were much more intriguing then any old book that was for sure. A quick ring comes from my phone which startles my reading I looked at my phone to see who was calling. I checked the contact which said Superman on it, I knew exactly who it was. I smirk at myself before answering the call. 

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