1.freddy freeman

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y/n pov.

An alarm wakes me up from what was a peaceful slumber. I rest in my bed for a few seconds listening to the ringing before finally shutting it up. I get out of bed and the sudden rush of cool air surrounds my body. I slight shiver runs down my back, "I need coffee." 

I never got a good nights rest, I usually stayed up till 2am reading some comic or watching something. It was a bad habit but it was addictive. I pick some clothes out of my closet and get changed out of my sleepwear. Within' ten minutes I get ready, I shove in my earbuds and begin playing one of my music playlist. 

I slowly walked to school, it was nice to give myself time outside listening to some of my music. It was therapeutic, the mornings at home are usually quiet but after school everyone gets loud and obnoxious. I keep my eyes on the sidewalk to avoid any unwanted eye contact with strangers. 

It doesn't take long for me to arrive at the gates of my own personal hell, with my own personal greeting. 

"Well look what we have here!" I hear a voice call out from behind me, I furrow my eyebrows to the voice.

"y/n l/n!" I look up to the pair of boys who always find a way to greet me in the morning. The Breyer brothers

Ignoring the boys I quicken my pace, there's a sudden grip on my "You think your sister is gonna get away acting all lovey-dovey with me just to break up with me publicly!" Burke shouts. Honestly even isn't my problem, she doesn't even live with us anymore I haven't talked to her since last week actually. 

I look around to a bunch of staring kids in the court, I sigh "Yeah, since your putting the blame on me.." I start to spout another sarcastic remark but I'm suddenly shoved down to the ground. My head hit the ground my backpack barley managing to cushioned my fall. 

They stomp away to the side of the school probably to smoke or some shit.  I can feel eyes staring at me like daggers, I can't blame them though. I would too. The bell rings for class. I pick myself off the ground and dust myself off, I'm definitely awake now. I walk into the building and make my way  to my locker, grabbing my books and heading to class before I get in trouble. I run into class and pick my regular seat slamming the my books down onto the desk. This attracts  myself even more attention including a glare from the teacher. 

A boy with curly brown hair approaches me, without hesitation he sits down next to me, "those guys pick on you too?" I turn to the boy puzzled by his introduction. I've seen him in the halls kids usually pick on him because of his crutch. I've heard some of his nicknames and they were not nice to say the least.

I was still shocked by the sudden question I just give him a slight nod to hopefully end the conversation, I focus back onto my work before he interrupts again. "What would you rather, flight or invisibility?" He smirks.

"Hm, if I have to be honest. Invincibility." Heights aren't exactly my thing and invincibility seems like it would have perks. I probably sound like some villain when I say this but I could easily steal things and stalk people. Plus it would help me avoid socializing. He smiles at me like I got the right answer. "I ask people that because there was an experiment on it and most people said flight, but suddenly when they did it anonymously more people said invisibility." It was slightly interesting but it is strange why people would care about hiding the fact invincibility sounds nicer than flight? "I'm Freddy by the way, Freddy Freeman."

"Y/n L/n." I smile back at him. There was something welcoming about him, he was nice, talkative and helpful in class. We actually had a lot of classes together, I felt a bit guilty for not taking more notice but he probably didn't notice me until today either. 

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