~they care.~

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(A/N) there is a change in the story so hope y'all don't care. 😂🙌
( (Y/N)'s POV )
I see the rest of Freddy's family run in the room in complete shock. "You can all sit on the couch." They obey with fear. My body is shaking in Freddy's arms, but yet I feel calmer with him by my side.
There's a sudden burst at the door to reveal a man in red. Shazam. Doctor Sivana smiles, I feel a grasp on my wrist as I am pulled away from Freddy's hug.

By the time I know it Dr Sivana is holding my wrist tight. Even one was in panic. "you know you can let her go. It doesn't have to go like this," Shazam says.
"We both know that it won't work like that." He grips me tighter as I slight squeal. "go." I mouth to them as Freddy shakes his head. "I'll be ok, go. Get them some place safe." I mouth to Billy, he nods. Withn' that, the family ran quickly out of the room into a door that I couldn't remember being there before.

Doctor Sivanna doesn't waste time following, it lead into almost another universe. We were in a dark cave area, Sivana follows the voices to soon reach the family, they hurry into another area of the cave as Sivana continues to chase them. We enter a room of doors, we watch all of them vanish. Sivana puffs in anger exiting as quickly as possible. Surprisingly we get out there but it took long by the time we got out it was dark.

Doctor Sivana grabbed me tightly and hurried me to search for the family. I refused to respond to any questions. But I missed Freddy.

(Freddy's POV)

"We can't just leave her!" I shout in tears, "we're going to get her, don't worry." Billy says calmly.
"You can't promise that can you!" I shout at him. "Freddy, look I know how much she means to you but you have to stay calm for her!" Mary interferes. I stop crying I sigh and nod to Mary. "Ok." She says, I slightly nod looking down. "ok."

(A/N); I hope you liked this chapter even though they're getting short (my apologies) I really hope you do enjoy this series as it coming to a end! (Not yet though!) I have a new book in mine non-Shazam related and hopefully you all will be interested in reading it even though you might not know the movie.. the only hint I'll give is that it is now on Netflix and I'm excited to see if I'll write anything on it. But don't be afraid to DM me at any point I promise to accept any opinion of yours and I'd love if anyone wants to give me suggestions or talk to me non-book related because I promise I will listen ❤️
Anyway, I hope you all have a good night/day where ever you are and I love you allllll and stay safe! ❤️❤️

Word count; 511

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