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I woke up exhausted from last night. I still had butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed my phone to check the time only to see I had received a message from the one and only Freddy Freeman. Also known as, my superman.

My Superman♡♡

My Superman♡♡Want to spend your weekend helping me and Billy discovering Shazam's weird powers.

I was a little confused at the word Shazam, maybe that's his new name? 

Y/N; Shazam?

My Superman♡♡; Sorry, Shazam turns out to be the word Billy can use to swap forms.

(Y/N); That makes more sense, sure I'll come.


I decided to wear something casual but warm, it was still freezing outside and the snow wouldn't be gone anytime soon. I quickly headed downstairs to eat some breakfast, basically now lunch and brushed my teeth. I got my phone and left. I walked to the front of Freddy's greeting the two who were  slowly walk out the front door. "I don't like Y/-" Freddy turns to see me, "Hey..." He says awkwardly his cheeks bright pink.

"Hey, so where exactly are we planning on doing this?" It would be risky letting the public see him testing every single power. It would make him vulnerable and it would probably get some legal people involved. 

"An abandoned warehouse, I found it a couple months ago." Freddy says taking the lead.


Freddy had lead us to some abandon warehouse, it still looked pretty new but it was completely  empty surprisingly it didn't look haunted and dark. Sure the paint seemed a bit warn down but it seemed to nice of a place to hang out. There was a bit of broken glass and graffiti on the walls, clearly teens still used this place. 

"Today I thought we'd spice things up a bit, involve testing teleportation and other stuff." Freddy announced showing us the list of things on his phone. "Sounds good with me." I smirk at the boys. 
"Alright then, SHAZAM!" Billy shouts, for the very first time I got to see how he transformed. There was a large puff of smoke and lightning strikes. It only took a few seconds for it to all disappear to reveal the red suited man. 

"That was pretty fucking cool." I say in awe. "I know right, I was thinking of some lines I should say when I transform-" Billy was cut off by Freddy, "Lets jump into it, we can think about the superhero lines after." We both nod.

I helped Freddy pull out two medium sized boxes, "Gee Billy, hope your not claustrophobic." I giggled. He eyed the medium sized boxes which were quite small compared him and his height. We set up the camera as Billy tried his best to shove himself in the box. 

He barley managed to shut the top of the box, I waited silently until I saw Freddy pour some fuel on the box, I quickly rush to his side. "Are you sure?" I mumbled, and he nodded reassuringly. "Hey guys what exactly was the point of this?" Billy voice calls out from the box. He lit a match and dropped it on the trail of petrol. 

The fire quickly made its way and lit the whole box ablaze. Billy quickly popped out of the box wiping bits of embers left on him clearly in a panic. "I'm going to kill you." He shouted at Freddy as he begun to walk over to us, as Freddy quickly limped away. 

"How about we stray from your villain arc and get to the next test!" I say separating the two.


(A/N) Sorry people's, I cut this short I just feel I needed something to be a little short ;) ... Thank you all for reading I have school so I probably will have delayed chapters due to school and time changes my apologies. I hope you have a good day/night where ever you are, I LOVE YOU ALL <3 

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