Character Introduction: Samuel Lark

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One-hundred-sixty-three missed messages.

Sam wasn't surprised to find his phone red-hot from all the activity while he had been training in the gym. Whenever Sam wasn't able to use his phone, he would eventually find dozens of texts once he did check. Today was no exception. As soon as Sam and Jordy left the gym and turned on their phone, Sam was met with 163 texts in a variety of group- and private chats.

Sam couldn't care less about finding out what everyone had been saying and swiped the notifications to the right to hide them.

Sam didn't expect any of those messages to be directed directly at him. They were either part of a conversation in the group chat his friends had started, or they were questions about homework or other people.

Maybe one of those messages was a general invite to go to a party later that day.

Sam still didn't care to check. If they'd been talking about going out that night, he would get another text to ask what his plans were soon enough. Besides, he wasn't planning on going to a party that evening. He had planned a night of games and maybe a movie with his best friend Jordy. They would order pizza, grab a few beers and stay in for the evening.

Sam did enjoy going to a club—or a party—to a certain degree, but he hated being drunk, because that made him talkative, and there were things Sam didn't want anyone else to know.

It was how Jordy found out Sam was gay and had a weak spot for both his biggest enemy, Frey, and the school's most annoying nerd, Adam. Both were innocent crushes on guys he never wanted to be with seriously in the first place. But that didn't stop his mind from wondering how it would be to kiss either of them, or a guy in general.

It didn't stop his blabbering mouth from giving away his deepest and strongest desires whenever he was drunk. Small crush or not, it was a crush nonetheless.

Sam rather waited with coming out until he went off to college, to prevent from getting kicked out by his parents when they'd find out about his sexuality. Sam was already a disappointment to them in many other aspects of his life, and he wasn't excited to add his sexuality to the long list of things for them to insult him.

Well, that, and Sam wanted to wait until he met a guy that he thought was worth risking his reputation for—or ruin the already practically non-existing bond with his parents. Until that happened, Sam was going to keep quiet to anyone but Jordy.

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