What's he doing in my house?

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Sam's day at school had been busy, and all he really wanted right now, was to grab some snacks, turn on the tv and watch a simple and fun tv show until his parents got home. He would walk Rex right before dinner, so he had a little time with his parents in one house as possible. Just some alone-time.

So, he was surprised in the least when he heard Jenna talking to someone as soon as he got home, soaking wet because, of course, it had to rain. Why was she home? Wasn't she supposed to hang out with her friends, or practise her dancing routines? He was even more surprised when an all too familiar voice answered Jenna.

What was Aleksei doing in his house?

Sam panicked, looking in the mirror in the hallway, staring in horror at his own reflection. Aleksei could not see him this way. With his hair all messed up and his clothes dripping wet. Not to mention the fact that he hadn't brushed his teeth since lunch. What if he had bad breath?

Sam hurried to his room, searching for clothes that would look good on him, while stripping down the wet clothes. He tripped over his jeans once, he bumped his toe against the door to his bathroom, and in his rush to grab toothpaste he hit his head against the cabinet door. He kept cursing at his misfortune, but reminded himself it was for a good cause; Aleksei needed to see his best side.

Once Sam was sure he looked good, he descended the stairs, and casually walked into the living room, ready to come face to face with the boy that was driving him crazy—in a good way. Well, except for his clumsy behaviour just now.

"Hey," he greeted Jenna and Aleksei, who were sitting at the dining table with what seemed to be homework. "What're you guys doing?"

Jenna looked up, and Sam didn't miss the look she sent him. As if she was onto him. What if she was onto him? What if he was being way too obvious, again?

"I'm tutoring Aleksei. He needed help with English," Jenna told him, already turning back to face the book in front of them.

Sam wondered why Aleksei needed tutoring. To him, Aleksei's English was perfect. Sure, every so often, an accent seeped through, but Sam thought that was cute. He liked the accent. And other than the accent, Aleksei's English was near perfect.

"Why do you need tutoring in English?" Sam eventually asked Aleksei, since he couldn't come up with an explanation himself.

Aleksei lifted his shoulders with a sheepish expression. "I understand textbooks and most things literal. But figurative language — puns, double meanings. Those are difficult sometimes."

Sam took a moment to let his answer sink in, wondering if that was the reason Aleksei hardly ever laughed over his jokes. Or did he just think Sam wasn't that funny? Whatever it was, Jenna wasn't the right person to teach him puns or double meanings. Half the time she didn't even get the jokes Jordy and Sam made.

"Well, if that's why you need tutoring, I think you went to the wrong person. Jenna isn't the best at jokes."

Aleksei's lips curl up slightly. "I think I just need to talk to more people."

"Well, if you want more people to talk to, I still suggest finding a different tutor. Jenna isn't that popular. She has like, three friends she hangs out with," Sam replied with a smirk on his face, walking to the backdoor to let Rex inside the house at the same time. The poor dog had been in the shed while it was pouring outside.

"Oh, will you shut up already?" Jenna whined, rolling her eyes. "We're trying to study here. Maybe you should do that too for once. You know, if you ever want to become a real dentist."

Rex had slipped in through the door and enthusiastically darted Aleksei's way. Aleksei greeted him with a smile and a scratch behind the ear. He then looked up at Sam, still a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You want to be a dentist?" he asked. "I thought you were an athlete."

Sam stopped bickering with his sister and turned to face Aleksei in surprise. He wasn't an athlete, but then again, the assumption made sense since he did work out a lot. And Aleksei wouldn't be the first person who'd be surprised by his ambition to become a dentist. Nobody expected it from him. Not even his parents. He shrugged, smiling for the simple fact that Aleksei was smiling, or at least a little.

"Sam's not an athlete," Jenna snorted, highly amused. "He's a lazy gamer and his ambition is a little bit of an obsession. But he has great teeth, if I have to be nice about him."

Sam heard the front door shut and pulled a face as soon as his parents walked into the living room. His dad obviously proudly looking towards Jenna, addressing Aleksei with his words. "Jenna is our athlete. She's a very talented dancer."

Sam rolled his eyes. Of course his dad would instantly start bragging about Jenna.

At Sam's dad joining them and addressing him, Aleksei immediately jumped up from the couch, approaching the man with his hand held out for handshake.

"Hello, sir. I'm Aleksei," he introduced himself, flat out ignoring the Jenna-bragging.

"Hello Aleksei, I'm Robert Lark. Nice to meet you." Sam's father glanced over to the table, noticing the books. "You were studying with Jenna?"

"Pleasure," Aleksei replied. "Yes, Jenna is helping me with my English. And in return, I'm going to teach her to play a bit of piano."

"It's good to see Jenna helping you out." Robert send her a smile and Sam suppressed the need to fake-gag over all the bragging. "Was Samuel distracting you two?"

Sam had a hard time not to roll his eyes. He knew his father would tell him to watch his attitude, so he just remained silent, hoping Jenna wouldn't rat him out.

Aleksei glanced from Robert, to Sam and back. He crossed his arms. "Not at all," he said. "The more I talk to people, the better."

Robert shortly looked at Sam, and Sam stared back, daring him to disagree while silently thanking Jenna that she wasn't denying it. Eventually Robert turned to Aleksei and smiled. "Are you staying over for dinner too? Any friend of Jenna is welcome to stay over as long as they want."

Aleksei didn't respond right away. He didn't look at Jenna for guidance on what to say. Instead, his gaze traveled to Sam.

Sam was still looking at his father at first, doubting whether he wanted Aleksei to stay over during dinner and witness how much his parents loved Jenna, and how they didn't feel the same about him. On the other hand, he knew his father well enough to know he would probably go and ask tons of questions and that would give him more information about Aleksei too.

And Sam couldn't resist a chance to get to know Aleksei a bit better, so eventually he sent a shy, but hopeful smile towards Aleksei, hoping he would agree.

"Thank you, staying over for dinner sounds great," Aleksei accepted the invitation without missing a beat.

Robert smiled pleased, before his smile vanished as he looked at Sam. "Could you go and buy more food? Aleksei and Jenna need to study in peace anyway."

Of course his father would ask him to get more stuff. He wouldn't dare to ask Jenna to provide for a guy she invited. Not that he minded doing it for Aleksei. It was the fact that he was always sent out, never Jenna.

Since there was no way of getting out of it, Sam shrugged and reluctantly agreed to go to the supermarket and buy food. As long as he could get to know Aleksei better, he didn't mind.

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