You're My Favourite

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After they were finished, Aleksei tangled his fingers into Sam's hair, kissing the other boy back, while basking in the aftermath of what had to classify as one of the best moments of his life so far.

"That was amazing," he sighed in Sam's ear.

Sam couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face. He felt amazing, knowing that Aleksei had enjoyed it that much. He pulled back to look down on Aleksei, still smiling while he leaned in to kiss him again.

That was until he heard something downstairs. Something that sounded like a front door closing. His entire body froze for a second while he stayed silent to listen for more sounds.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Aleksei asked, obviously noticing how Sam tensed up.

"Mierda," Sam cursed under his breath. "I think my parents are home."

Sam hurriedly put on some sweatpants, before he left Aleksei alone in the bedroom and went downstairs. There was nobody in the hallway but that didn't mean they weren't home. Sam looked around the living room and the kitchen. That's where he found Rex laying against the back door, chewing on one of his toys.

"Did you make that noise?" Sam asked him, knowing damn well Rex couldn't answer his question. "Let's get you outside, buddy. Before mom and dad come home and get angry." He grabbed Rex' collar and pulled him away from the door so he could open it. He took Rex to the garden house and locked the door after checking if he still had plenty of food and water.

He went back upstairs afterwards, relieved his parents weren't home yet, but still shaky.

Aleksei had dressed himself in the meantime, even remembering to smoothen out his hair (as far as possible with his wild mane) and was sitting on the bed all proper and prim. The only thing hinting at what he and Sam had been doing up until a few minutes ago were his flushed cheeks. He couldn't just get rid of the sex glow.

"Were your parents there?" Aleksei immediately asked when Sam entered the room.

Sam shook his head to answer his question. "No, I think it was Rex making noise," he told him, forcing a smile onto his face. He picked up his t-shirt and put it on before he sat down next to Aleksei, sighing deeply.

Aleksei knew Sam longer than today, and he also saw that smile was fake. Aleksei pulled his legs up, planting his bare feet on the bed.

"Your parent's don't know," he stated rather than asked. "About you."

Sam let out a nervous chuckle before admitting Aleksei was right. "They don't, and I wasn't planning on telling them either."

Aleksei nodded, hardly surprised by that reply. He could understand, with those parents.

"You're not... on the best terms with them, are you?" he asked carefully.

Sam was trying his best not to get emotional. It was difficult for him to admit his parents didn't really like him. He looked down at his feet, before turning his head completely away from Aleksei. "That's a bit of an understatement, to be honest." He bit his lip, took in a breath and continued; "But don't worry, it's not a big deal." It was a lie, it was a big deal, but admitting that wasn't in his nature. He didn't want to seem weak.

Aleksei felt that Sam wasn't telling the entire truth, but he wasn't about to pry it out of Sam either if he didn't want to tell.

"Parents can be rough to deal with," he offered instead, shifting closer and leaning his cheek on Sam's shoulder. "Mine are like ostriches. They seem to think that if they keep asking about girls and telling me to get a girlfriend, I will magically get past my 'phase' and be straight. Not that they really acknowledged I'm not when I came out to them."

Sam chuckled when Aleksei compared his parents to ostriches. "Mine aren't just like that with sexuality, but with everything. If it's not perfect, it's not worth anything." He admitted timidly, pulling Aleksei in a hug to feel safe and loved while talking about a heavy subject like his parents.

Aleksei wrapped his arms around Sam, rubbing his back and playing with his hair. "Then you are worth a lot."

Sam smiled, a genuine, wide smile because of Aleksei's words. He remained silent and just hugged Aleksei a little tighter to let him know he appreciated the fact Aleksei thought he was worth a lot.

In the same time, his thoughts were racing back and forth between possible things to say. He turned to peck a small kiss onto Aleksei's cheek.

"Do your parents have a favourite amongst all your siblings and you? Like, one who gets spoiled compared to the others?"

Aleksei thought about it for a moment. "Well," he said, "my youngest sister gets spoiled the most because she is the youngest. If she runs to mom and dad saying we did something then we get the blame and the scolding. But otherwise? Not really."

Aleksei knew that wasn't exactly what Sam meant, however. It wasn't hard to see what this was about: Sam's parents clearly favoring Jenna. Aleksei had only met them once at dinner, and even he could already tell what the dynamics in the house were. Sam didn't deserve it.

"I think it's wrong," Aleksei stated firmly. "Parents favoring one child over another. They should love all their children equally and if they don't they should damn well just pretend."

Sam chuckled, and nodded his head in agreement. Though he still rather kept pretending it wasn't a big deal. He didn't want Aleksei to worry over it.

"It's really not a big deal, I'm kind of used to it and hardly notice them favoring Jenna," he told Aleksei with a shrug of his shoulder. Sam let his fingers graze across Aleksei's jaw, observing the boy from up close.

Aleksei nudged Sam's fingers with his jaw, leaning into his touch as he looked back into Sam's eyes with a small smile. "Hey, for what it's worth, you're my favourite. You know what? I don't believe in love at first sight. But I immediately liked you."

He paused. "Okay, almost immediately. The first time we met I was soaking wet, had just tripped and landed in the mud, and I basically was grumpy as fuck"

Sam let out a laugh, remembering how Aleksei had looked the first time he delivered him a pizza. It seemed so long ago, even though it had only been a few weeks.

"Yeah, I might not have been the nicest customer that night," Sam admitted with a smirk on his face. "But to be honest, I had just been in a fight with my parents and Jordy can be really annoying too. I wasn't in a great mood either. But even if you did look like a soaked cat, you've been my favorite from that moment on."

"Good to know I'm your favorite, too," Aleksei said, slowly raising his hands to rest on Sam's chest. "Hey, and since your parents aren't here after all..." Aleksei slipped his hands underneath Sam's shirt, tracing the bare skin of his stomach with a suggestive once-over. "How about I show you just how much you're my favorite?"

Sam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively before pulling Aleksei in for a kiss. "Can't say no to that," he eventually mumbled with his lips against Aleksei's lips.

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