Our Own Happiness Part 2

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Sam sat up straight, frowning at Aleksei's revelation. Was that why Aleksei had been acting weird yesterday, and today? "You recorded us?" he asked, still unable to figure out why. "Why? It wasn't the best performance yesterday."

"But it was good. Good enough for... this restaurant, at least?" Aleksei said carefully, now seriously wondering if he'd made a big mistake. Sam was frowning and understandably confused. Oh God.

"What do you mean, 'good enough for this restaurant'?" Sam asked, wondering if any of this was connected to the presence of his parents. Was Aleksei actually expecting them to perform on stage in front of his parents? If he'd do that, he could just as easily walk up to them and come out.

"I'm not going to perform with you out there, Aleksei. I don't want my parents to know."

Aleksei bit his lip. "I know. That's why you'll be on stage for a solo performance."

Sam choked on his drink, his eyes widening in shock. "Wait, me?"

"Yes. In about..." Aleksei glanced at the clock on the wall, "five minutes."

Sam blankly stared at Aleksei, blinking a few times while he allowed it to sink in. He was hardly good enough to perform in front of an actual audience. Besides, his parents were right there, with their clients, having dinner. They'd probably tell him to stop his 'noise' and leave them alone.

The silence dragged on while he was gathering his courage, failing miserably. "How am I supposed to perform? Here? Tonight?" he eventually asked Aleksei with shaky hands.

"You can do it," Aleksei asserted, knowing he couldn't take Sam's hands with his parents right there but trying his damn hardest to convey absolute faith with his voice and eyes. "And you're going to blow everyone in this restaurant."

"I don't even have my cello here! Which song am I supposed to play?" Sam was slightly starting to panic. He didn't mind being on stage, but he would've liked a little more preparation. Why did he ever suggest performing? He meant together.

"I can't go out there alone."

"Actually, your cello is here." Aleksei nodded at the stage, where one of the waiters was just putting the still boxed cello down. Then his eyes darted back to Sam and he realised the other boy was really starting to panic. Deciding to take the risk anyway, Aleksei grabbed Sam's hand underneath the table. "You're not alone. I'm here. Just look at me."

"But..." Sam knew he could do it. He would probably make a few mistakes, but did it matter? Oh, who was he kidding? It mattered, right? "Are you sure I practised enough? What if I make mistakes?"

Aleksei gave Sam's hand a squeeze. "If you make a mistake you play on and play the next note correctly. Just like when we're playing at your house."

Right, Sam knew that. Just keep playing.

"I just... I have a question. Why?"

"Because I remember you telling me about your rehearsal." Aleksei furrowed his brows. "The one that made you quit. And I... I just wanted to give you another chance for it. Because playing makes you happy, and I like to see you happy."

Sam melted, especially because of the last part. He almost forgot his parents were present, leaning towards Aleksei because it felt natural to kiss Aleksei in moments like these. Just in time to stop him from making that mistake in the presence of his parents, a man called out Sam's name, inviting him to the stage.

He got up from his seat with shaking hands and legs that felt like jello. He did everything to avoid having to watch in his parents direction. They were probably already shocked and embarrassed enough that Sam was about to perform in front of them and their clients. He surely didn't need to look at them and become even more nervous.

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