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Jimin stood outside the coffee shop, staring up at the sign right above the door. He swallowed his breath, a bit nervous about meeting his best friends today.

Especially Min Yoongi.

He missed him, he hasn't seen him in a while, for a month to be exact. Now they were going to meet up inside the shop the three best friends decided on.

His mind was clouded with thoughts, memories of he and his best friends, memories of him and Yoongi. The boy he loved so much, the friend he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the man who made him feel the way he is feeling towards him.

Jimin never thought that he would fall in love with his best friend, thought that it was just a platonic feeling but no, it was something more than that. So much more than the brotherly love he felt in the past.

Jimin closes his eyes, letting out a long sigh, calming down his fast-beating heart.

I want to tell him, I really do. But I just couldn't seem to do it because...

"JIMINIE!" A pair of arms wrapped around the younger, pulling him into a back hug. Jimin was caught off guard by the other's action. Knowing who that was, he lets out a joyful laugh.

He holds the arms of the other, pulling it away as he broke his embrace, turning around to look at him with a big smile, chuckling "Yoongi! It's been so long!"

Yoongi stifled a laugh, "yeah. Although it's just been a month." He mentions. Shoving his hands into his jacket pockets, he looks at his best friend with a soft expression, a thoughtful smile making its way to his lips.

Jimin fondly returned the smile.

Yoongi glanced over Jimin's shoulder, seeming like he was looking for someone. "We should get in. Hoseok is waiting for us." He took hold of Jimin's hand and dragged him into the coffee shop with the other followed his lead.

He wanted to enjoy the moment, his hands under his crush's gentle grasp, a feeling he wanted to last forever. If not, then at least for a long time.

Jimin's smile slowly faltered, rejoining his train of thoughts.

I just couldn't. I couldn't seem to bring myself together because...

"GUYS!" A red-haired male came running to them, spreading his arms out, capturing his best friends into a tight embrace. Without Yoongi letting go of Jimin's hand, they returned the embrace with their free arms.

"We missed you Hobi," Yoongi pulled away, looking at Hoseok with a gentle gaze.

"Yeah, we miss you Hoseok," Jimin admitted.

Hoseok lets out an airy laugh, "oh really now? We hung out just last month and you guys missed me already? You two are adorable." He shook his head to himself, turned around and lead his friends to the table he reserved for the three of them. Yoongi followed behind him, pulling Jimin along.

Once they reached their table, they sat around it, except for Hoseok who self-volunteered to order for all of them. He glanced at both of his friends and said, "I'm going to order for all of us." 

"Again?" Jimin pouted, "you ordered for us last time."

He smiles his signature grin, "it's alright. I enjoy ordering for my friends." His willingness to do so lead his friends to nod instead, allowing him to take their order once again. "Anyway, what would you like?"

"You know it Hobi," Jimin smiled, "the usual." Yoongi nodded in reply, agreeing to Jimin's statement.

Hoseok got the message clear, took note of it, then with a final glance at his two friends, a smile still implanted on his face, he turned around and walked up to the counter.

Yoongi watched Hoseok as he walked away, Jimin glanced at the redhead then at his other best friend. His gaze locked to Yoongi, that smile of his turning to a neutral state.


Yoongi pressed his elbow onto the table, resting his head onto his palm, and stared at Hoseok with love and admiration in his eyes. A gummy smile formed on his face, and Jimin could clearly see his eyes glisten with euphoria.

...he is in love with Hoseok.

"Ah, why is he so cute and kind?"

Jimin gripped the bottom of his shirt, his nails digging into the cloth from the jealousy he felt. His heart weighed heavier than normal, feeling the flowers grow inside of him.

You made me sick, you made me suffer

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You made me sick, you made me suffer.

I coughed out Azalea petals, covered with my crimson blood.

Flowers that flourished inside my throat, petals stained with my blood.

My lungs covered with these flowers, soon to suffocate me till I rest upon my death bed.

I was brought into this fatal illness.

All because of this one-sided love.

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