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Somehow, a fun day in the mall ended up at a bar.

Coming out of the cinema, Jimin cried waterfalls because of some heart-wrenching scenes that his fragile heart couldn't handle. Yoongi did cry a few tears here and there but when he saw his best friend getting all emotional, he tried his best not to laugh at how adorable he was. Right after, they stayed at the food court and kept each other up-to-date. Even if the atmosphere was loud, it didn't disturb the happy moment that the two were enveloped in.

Then Yoongi said that he wanted to have a drink and Jimin agreed without hesitations. Once again, the younger was dragged into the place disliked so much. A bar where people get drunk and where emotions get out of hand.

Jimin was never a drinker. He never liked the idea of it since he was afraid that he might spill out his deepest secrets knowing that his tolerance level was not high. But Yoongi was though. Having a few bottles of Whiskey stored in the kitchen cabinets at home, he tends to drink whenever he gets stressed or just whenever he wants to.

Yoongi and Jimin sat by the bar, the raven-haired male calling the bartender and ordering a few shots.

Yoongi looks at Jimin and says something which the other couldn't quite seem to understand. He sees his lips moving, he hears his voice yet it was unclear. As if water has entered his ears and has affected his hearing. There was a barrier that was blocking Yoongi's words from entering his ears, and in fact, the noise and the voices of others weren't the reasons why Jimin couldn't seem to understand him.

It was his thoughts that was blocking those words. But what was he thinking about?

He is thinking of confessing to him.

That's the real reason why he wanted to hang out with Yoongi in the first place. Not just to make him happy or to enjoy his final moments with him, but to find out if Yoongi would love him back or not.

His thoughts keep on adding up, spreading throughout his brain like a virus. The worries, the fears, all of his thoughts were in a frenzy causing his anxiety to rise high to the point that he could hear his unsteady breath.

He silently breaths in and out, controlling his breath and relaxing his heart.

" that's what happened." Those were the only words Jimin understood from the whole duration of the chat. The younger only nodded in reply, even if he didn't understand a single thing he said other than the last part.

Yoongi took a shot which Jimin guesses to be his, fourth.

The younger looks down, fiddling around with his fingers as his heart races a hundred miles. His lips quivered in nervousness and anxiousness.

He has to do it, he needs to do it.

"—and I thought I was the only one who—"

You can do this Jimin, you can do this.

Yoongi grabs another shot glass and drinks from it.

Just say it already!

And he winged it. He mustered up the courage to yank his head up, look at Yoongi straight in the eyes, and confess, "Yoongi, I love you."

It took him all of his courage to do that. All the strength in his body to lift the weight that weighed down his heart. His anxiety rose, his heartbeat quickened, and his face turned as red as a tomato.

He already expected Yoongi's reply—after him being silent for a few seconds—and he was so prepared to take the rejection until...

"I love you too Jiminie~" Yoongi slurs, leaning forward, wrapping his arms around the younger and pulling him into a tight hug. Great.

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