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Trinity's P.O.V

After I jumped in, it felt like I was gonna barf. But then again, it felt, I don't know, right.

"We're here." Jamie says. Rod takes off his blindfold. He gasps.

"Where are we?" I ask. Jamie gestures me to follow. "Rod, we'll be back."

We keep walking, till we got to a room. It said 'Trinity's Room: Stay out!"... Wait, that's my name!

We walk inside, and I see beautiful art. First, it shows a girl with red hair in fall, then two people in winter, a boy in fall, and a girl in spring.

On the ceiling, I see ten people, including Jamie. It says 'The Guardians' and 'The big Five...1/2.'

"Who made this?" I ask Jamie. I stand in the middle of the room, not touching anything.

"You." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy, but he pointed to the door. It had me.

I touch it, and feel a pulse of energy.

~~~~~~F L A S H B A C K~~~~~~

"Jack!" I yell as he throws a snowball at me. I throw one back, and a war starts.


"Bullseye!" Merida yells. I high five her as she dances weirdly. "I win 20 to 19."

"Whatever, I almost won." We laugh.


Elsa laughs as I tickle her to the ground. "Can't breath!" She laughs. I keep on tickling her, till her head turns as red as Merida's hair.


"Rapunzel, this fabric is perfect!" I say. She nods, and keeps on sewing. I laugh as she gets her finger. I get her a bandaid and a pat on the back.


"Race you!" I yell to Hiccup. He nods and flys Toothless ahead, but I catch up. It ends up being a tie.

"Nice!" We head inside.

~~~~Endof F L A S H B A C K~~~~

I fall to the ground as all this comes to me. Then, I see Jamie, Rod, and... THE PEOPLE FROM THE VISIONS!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

"AH! Don't hurt me!" I yell to them. They smile widely.

"Who are you talking to?" Rod asks.

I think for a moment. Do I want him to think I'm crazy? No. Do I want him to tell the school that I'm crazy? No!

"No one. Let's just rehearse. MKay?" I say. He nods. "Singing scene?"

We both sit on the couch. I'm completely focused, nothing but this play on my mind.

We sing 'I see the light' and Jamie watches us. Mostly me. But I can't blame him, I'm exceptionally awesome. I can't help but see the other five staring at me too.

When it gets to the part where me and Rod kiss, he doesn't pull away, so I have to. Jamie looks relieved.

We practice a few more things, until around 8:00.

"Well, better get going. I'm gonna use the bathroom first." Rod walks to a bathroom.

I immediately whip my head to Jamie, who is talking to the white haired guy, who must be Jack.

"Y-you see them too?" I ask. He nods. "Your as crazy as me then."

Jack gives me a big hug. I awkwardly pat his back. "I've missed you."

"Uh, ok." I say as he pulls away and frowns.

"You don't remember us?" Merida says.

"I only remember your names. How come I didn't see you before?" I hug my knees.

"Because the only way to see us is if you believe." Elsa says.

"Uh, yeah ok. Jamie we are leaving. Say goodbye to the people." I grab his hand.

"They're coming too." he says. "They are with me."

"Ok, I'm going to pretend like this is normal, and go back home. Do the thing you did before." I said.

He sighs as Rod walks back in the room. "This conversation isn't over ok?" he throws a ball and a blue thing appears. I walk in and end up in the yard.

I walk inside. "We're home!" Emma runs up and bumps into me.

"Sorry!" she helps me up. "I was just gonna ask you something."

"Shoot." I ignore the people behind me chatter.

"Wanna join my band? We need a singer. Please?" she begs.

"Sounds Sweet!" I clap. She cheers and pulls out her phone.

"Meet me in the back of the gym during lunch, and wear all black. Thanks!" she walks away.

"You know she is in a band that plays all kinds of music?" Jamie asks.

"Sweet. Makes it even better." I smirk. He walks to the kitchen, I follow.

"Where's your mom?" I ask.

As if on cue, she walked in the door. She was holding three shopping bags, so I grabbed one and Jamie grabbed two.

"What's this?" Jamie asks. I look in a bag and see snowflake designed blankets.

"Well, I was wondering, since Trinity is living with us, why not let her have her own room?" she smiles.

"You'll let me live here?" I ask, surprised.

"Well I'm not gonna let you sleep in the streets." I give her a big hug. "But for now you'll have to sleep in Jamie's room."

I widen my eyes, so does Jamie. He blushes.

"Well, time for bed. We'll start designing your room on Saturday." She walks upstairs.

I walk to Jamie's room with him tailing me. "Who's sleeping where?" He asks.

"Well, how about I sleep on the couch." I lay on the couch. Mmm. Comfy.

"Guys, you can just, make a bed on the floor." He says to the people.

After that, I fall into a deep, comforting sleep.



3.19K reads! I didn't even think I would get 1K.

Thank you, my readers. Your the real miracle. I got that from gravity falls. :).


You all are exceptional. But, please comment on the book more. Yes, I check every single comment. I just love them!

And remember to give me those wonderful ideas.

Love all my readers,


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