Wanna date?

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Trinity's P.O.V

"I promise." I say. We all walk out of the room. Sophie and Brad walk away while I walk to the park.

I'm not going to class, because they'll think that I skipped. When I got to the park, I sat on a swing.

After thinking about stuff, I thought about the visions. Do I have ice powers?

I move my hand in the air, but nothing happens. I get off the swing, and go to a pole. I touch it.


I concentrate, and thought of cold. I touched the pole again.

It had frost on it. Yes!

"Alright. Hair." I say. I grab my braid, and put it on my lap. I try to think of the song, but all I remember is a flower.

"Flower... Flower...." I say. Nothing. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.

I start to walk home. I get greeted by Jamie and the others.

"Your alright!" Jamie sighs.

"Yeah. I was just at the park. Guess what?" I say. I get a cup and freeze it. "That's all I can do, for now."

I pour myself some water into the frozen cup. I sit on the couch. After a while, someone knocks.

"I got it." Jamie says. He opens the door and Brad is there.

"Why are you here?" Jamie asks. Think, Trinity!

"He's in my band." I blurt.

"Yeah. Where's Sophie?" he asks.

"I'll take you to her." I say. I grab his arm and we go to the garage. I see Sophie setting up instruments.

She saw us and ran and gave Brad a hug. I smile. I love Love.

"Alright." I say as they separate. "I have a couple ideas."

"Let's here 'um." Ally says walking in.

I grab a mic. "So, I have a plan. First, I'm gonna sing part if the first song."

They all sit on some stools. I take a deep breath in and start. "I don't care about my makeup

I like it better with my jeans all ripped up

Don't know how to keep my mouth shut

You say so what." I finish. "It's all I have so far."

"I like it." Ally says. We here someone yelling inside, so we all go in.

"Tiffany, just tell me why your here!" Jamie yells. I mentally face palm.

"Jamie! She's here for me and Sophie." I make him look at me. He looks puzzled but shrugs it off.

"Just don't kill each other." Jamie says, still looking at me.

"Oh. Can we use the T.V?" Sophie asks him. "we were going to have a movie. You can watch if you want."

He nods and heads to the kitchen. I look at the five and wave. They wave back. Someone knocks and I groan.

I open it up and see Rod. He smirks when he sees me. "Jamie Rod is here."

"Actually, I'm here for you." He pulls me out the door. "I was wondering, if, you would like to hang out sometime."

"As a hangout?"

"As a date." He smiles.

"Hmmm. Ok. Sounds fun." I say. He fist pumps and I laugh at him. He kisses my cheek.

"Can I come in?" He asks. I nod.

"We're just watching a movie." We walk in and everyone is starring at us. "what? Have you never seen a girl before?"

Jamie walks in with popcorn. "Hey Rod." He stops when he gets to the couch. He turns to me. "Why's Rod here?"

"He's watching a movie with us." We all sit down on the couch. I'm In between Jamie and Rod. Sophie is next to Ally and Brad. Tiffany is next to Ally.

Sophie pulls out a movie. It's a horror/romance.

"Soph, mom would not let you watch that." Jamie said. I look at him and give him puppy dog eyes. He sighs. "Fine."

The movie wasn't really scary. At some parts, when it was scary, I would put a pillow to my face. If it was a romance part, I would awe.

After the movie, we all said goodbye. Before Rod left, he gave me another kiss, but on the forehead. After everyone left, Sophie pulled me to her room.

She closes the door and sits on the bed. I sit too.

"So. What's up with you and Rod?" She blurts. I laugh.

"He asked me out, and I said yes. Simple as that." I shrug.

"It's a date!"

"A 'friendly' date." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Alright." She opens the door. "You may leave."

I laugh and walk out. I see Jamie and go up to him. "Hey. What's up?"

He just looks at me. "Are you dating Rod?" He finally asks.

"He asks me on a friendly date. Simple." I pat his head. He smiles and ruffled my hair. He starts to walk back to his room, but stops when I say "goodnight."

"Night." He looks at me and smiles. There is something about that boy.

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