Pyjama Party (Part 1)

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Back in the living room with others [Mom Rebecca, Mom Martha, Grandpa Solomon, Dad Blister, Mokuba, Serenity, Byron, Melanie, Ray (Riya), Derek (Remy), Riley, Reira, Kazuma, Mirai, Akari, Zane, Yuma, Syrus, Quinton (Christopher), Quattro (Thomas), Trey (Michael), Anna, Yusaku, Aoi, Slade, Jagger, Chazz, Faker, Blair, Astral, Asta, Ash, Shia (Shark), Kai (Kia and Kite), Rio, Hart, Mike, Mizuki, Aster, Atticus, Yuri, Yugo, Shingo, Tori, Alexis, Seto, Joanna, Jaden, Yusei, Jack, Jesse, Reji, Shayna (Shay) and Shayne (Shun)]. 

After fifteen minutes later, Atem, Heba, Mark, Tea, Melvin, Anzu, Yami, Yuugi, Johan, Yubel, Duke, Tristy, Bakura, Ryou, Marik and Malik join in together with others, along with Seto's ten little sleeping daughters [Sophia, Sophie, Juliet (Juli or Julia), Juliette (Julli or Julie), Jenna (Jena), Jemma (Jema), Yulia (Yuki), Jacklyn (Jacie), Jessica (Jessi) and Carissa (Cari)]...

"Dragon, I am thinking of doing a pyjama party tonight, along with seniors [our uncle Kazuma, our aunt Mirai, our uncle Byron, our aunt Melanie, our uncle Yusaku, our aunt Aoi, our uncle Faker, our aunt Blair, our uncle Mike, our aunt Mizuki, our Mom Rebecca, our Grandpa Solomon, our Mom Martha and our Dad Blister], young adults among Seto's relatives [Ray, Remy, Reji, Akari, Zane, Quinton, Slade, Jagger, Aster, Shayna, Atticus]", politely mentions Joanna back. 

"Dragon, I am thinking of including all other young adults [you, me, Seth, Josephine, Meera, Jack, Jaden, Yusei, Carly, Jesse, Kalin, Crow, Heba, Tea, Mahado and Ishizu]", politely mentions Joanna while continuously looking at both Seto and Seth, at the same time. "But, will you include all of these teens as well, in this tonight pyjama party, puppy?", politely ask both Seto and Seth back.

Exactly after fifteen minutes later,...

"Yes, I will include all of these young teens to this tonight pyjama party except Melvin, Yami, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura and Marik, along with both Atem and Mark. All of them are [Adina, Yuma, Syrus, Riley, Reira, Quattro, Trey, Anna, Chazz, Astral, Asta, Ash, Shia, Kai, Rio, Hart, Shayne, Yuri, Yugo, Shingo, Tori, Alexis, Yulla, Julia, Kalina, Cecilia, Akira, Akiza, Rua, Ruka, Yuzu, Serena, Rin and Ruri] are going to attend this party", politely informs Joanna back, in front of everyone.

"Puppy, I really want both my own sisters-in-law [Heba, Tea, Anzu, Yuugi, Serenity, Tristy, Ryou, Yubel and Malik] and your own brothers-in-law [Atem, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Johan and Marik] to attend this pyjama party tonight under our own supervisions, please my sweet puppy", politely request both Seto and his own brother Seth back, in front of others while continuously looking at their first beloved wife Joanna, at the same time.

After ten minutes later,...

"Why did all of you bring our ten sleeping princesses here?", calmly ask both Seto and Seth while angrily glaring at Atem, Heba, Mark, Tea, Melvin, Anzu, Yami, Yuugi, Duke and Tristy, at the same time. "Dragon, please calm your anger down towards all of them [Atem, Heba, Mark, Tea, Melvin, Anzu, Yami, Yuugi, Duke and Tristy] as I have instructed them to bring our own ten little princesses here", calmly mentions Joanna, in front of both Seto and Seth. 

After two minutes later, "Can I conduct an overall medical pregnancy check up with your own wife Joanna, inside your own bedroom, please?", politely asks his own sister-in-law Ishizu, in front of others while continuously looking at Joanna, Seto and Seth, at the same time. "Yes, sure. You can conduct this overall medical pregnancy with my puppy, inside our own bedroom now", politely reply both Seto and Seth before Seto carefully lifts Joanna in bridal style.

After two minutes later, inside Seto's bedroom with Mahado, Ishizu, Joanna, Seto and Seth...

As soon as, Doctor Ishizu's personal medical assistant Doctor Mahado carefully brings in the portable Sonography Device, inside Seto's own bedroom, Ishizu patiently starts conducting the Sonography Test on Joanna's protruding belly surface, in order to check whether the heart beats of all these unborn children are normal or not. "Both your own first wife and nine baby boys are extremely healthy", proudly says Ishizu as a professional gynecologist, in front of Seto.

"Did you just say that there are nine unborn baby boys within Joanna's womb?", shockingly ask both Seto and Seth before both of them simultaneously fall down on the floor. After Mahado and Ishizu have sprinkling a few droplets of water on both Seto's unconscious face and Seth's unconscious face, both Seto and Seth immediately wake up, at the same time. "There are nine unborn baby boys, inside your wife's womb now", calmly repeats their sister-in-law Ishizu again. 

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