Main Pyjama Party (Part 1) (II)

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After a few minutes later, Ishizu leaves Joanna's personal bedroom... 

After a few minutes later, Seto's sister cousin Ishizu immediately leaves her own sister-in-law Joanna's personal bedroom as Shayna, Reji, Shia, Kai, Yuma, Meera, Seto, Josie, Seth, Riya, Akari, Quinton, Rio, Quattro, Jaden, Carly, Yusei, Jack and Jesse are happily spending a lot of time with Joanna, inside her own personal bedroom. "Stop going overboard with pampering me a lot, guys", angrily says Joanna while continuously pouting a lot, in front of others. 

"I am extremely sorry for badly misinterpreting your twin sister Shayne as a seven year old girl because of her own childish behaviour each time although she is a twenty years old young adult now", sadly says Joanna while continuously crying, in front of Seto's sister cousin Shayna, at the same time. "It is okay, big sister", politely replies Shayna while continuously comforting her own first sister-in-law Joanna, at the same time.

After a few minutes later, Sophia, Sophie, Juliea, Julie, Jenna, Jemma, Yulia, Jacklyn, Jessica, Carissa, along with Shayne, Rai, Yuya, Yuzu, Serena, Rin and Ruri enter inside the same bedroom...

As soon as, Joanna quickly notices that Sophia, Sophie, Juliea, Julie, Jenna, Jemma, Yulia, Jacklyn, Jessica, Carissa, Shayne, Rai, Yuya, Yuzu, Serena, Rin and Ruri simultaneously enter inside the bedroom, "What are all of you doing here?", politely asks their own Mother Joanna while continuously looking at all of them, at the same time. "I am sorry, mom. Sophia, Sophie, Juliea, Julie, Jenna, Jemma, Yulia, Jacie, Jessi and Cari want you", politely replies Yuya back. 

"It is okay, my dear. Come to sit near me, on the bed", politely says their own Mother Joanna while continuously being fed by both their own first Dad Seto and their  own second Dad Seth, one by one. A few minutes later, Sophia, Sophie, Juliea, Julie, Jenna, Jemma, Yulia, Jacklyn, Jessica, Carissa, Yuya, Yuzu, Serena, Rin and Ruri happily sit near their own Mother Joanna whereas Shayne happily sits near her own twin sister Shayna, on the same bed mattress.

Ten minutes later,...

After ten minutes later, "I secretly love your would be future sister-in-law Shayne a lot for forever", slowly whispers Rai through his twin brother Reji's left ear before he continuously starts blushing with pink tint on his own cheeks, in front of both his twin brother Reji and his own elder sister Riya. "Joanna, you are absolutely right towards both Rai and Shayne as permanent couple", smirkingly announces Reji, in front of others.  

"What do you mean by this?", unexpectedly ask both his girlfriend Shayna and his would be future sister-in-law Shayne back while continuously looking at Reji, with some shocked expressions on their own faces, at the same time. "Did you just confess your own love feelings towards me now? Do you love me a lot?", shockedly asks Shayne back while continuously glaring at Rai, at the same time.

Two minutes later,...

"Ya, you are absolutely right about this. I have just confessed my love feelings towards you. I really love you a lot as real girlfriend, for the time being. Will you do the honour of marrying me?", proudly says Rai while continuously kneeling on one of his knees, in a proposing manner, in front of Shayne. Shayne is shyly hesitating in replying back to Rai's proposing question, in front of both Rai and others. 

"Yes, I would like to marry you", smirkingly says Shayne. As soon as, she is deliberately being pushed by both Shayna and Joanna, towards Reji's twin brother Rai, both Rai and Shayne accidentally fall on the cold floor tiles. After two minutes later, both Rai and Shayne finally a quick liplock with each other before both of them are immediately being help by both Seto and Reji, one by one.

Fifteen minutes later,...

After fifteen minutes later, Rai finally slips both the light amethyst and yellow topaz ring on Shayne's left finger ring and Shayne quickly goes back to Joanna's bed. After a few minutes later, as soon as, Reji quickly notices that his own beloved Shayna is sad, "will you do the honour of marrying me?", proudly asks Reji while continuously kneeling on one of his knees, in a proposing manner, in front of Shayna. "Yes, I would like to marry you", smirkingly says Shayne.

After two minutes later, Riya immediately yanks both Reji's right ear and Rai's right ear, at the same time. "Hey, stop doing hanky and panky things with your own beloveds, in front of all of your young nephews and nieces", angrily says Riya while continuously yanking both of her two brothers' right ear, at the same time. "We are really sorry and both of us really promise you that we will not repeat this mistake again", guilty say both Reji and Rai back. 

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