Pyjama Party (Part 4)

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Heba, Atem, Tea, Mark, Ishizu, Mahado, Kalin, Crow, Reji, Zane, Slade, Jagger, Aster, Shayna and Atticus attend Neo-Domino University on a daily basis each (this mainly depends on their own scheduled time-table according to the same subject: Medical field).  

Anzu, Melvin, Yuugi, Yami, Serenity, Mokuba, Adina, Tristy, Duke, Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Yubel, Johan, Noah, Yuma, Syrus, Reira, Riley, Quattro, Trey, Anna, Chazz, Astral, Asta, Ash, Shia, Kai, Rio, Hart, Tori, Alexis, Shayne, Yuri, Yugo, Shingo and Yuto go to same Neo-Domino High School, along with Yuya, Yuzu, Serena, Rin, Ruri, Yulla, Julia, Cecilia, Kalina, Akira, Akiza, Rua and Ruka. 

After a few minutes later, before both Joanna and her first husband Seto leave the living room...

"All of you, have you completed your own respective subject homework now?", calmly asks Joanna while continuously looking at Heba, Atem, Tea, Mark, Ishizu, Mahado, Kalin, Crow, Reji, Zane, Slade, Jagger, Shayna and Atticus, at the same time. "Yes, all of us have already finished our own medical homework yesterday", normally reply all of them [Heba, Atem, Tea, Mark, Ishizu, Mahado, Kalin, Crow, Reji, Zane, Slade, Jagger, Shayna and Atticus] back.

"I want all of you to strictly supervise Yuya, Yuzu, Serena, Rin, Ruri, Yulla, Julia, Cecilia, Kalina, Akira, Akiza, Rua, Ruka, Anzu, Melvin, Yuugi, Yami, Serenity, Mokuba, Adina, Tristy, Duke, Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Yubel, Johan, Noah, Yuma, Syrus, Reira, Riley, Quattro, Trey, Anna, Chazz, Astral, Asta, Ash, Shia, Kai, Rio, Hart, Tori, Alexis, Shayne, Yuri, Yugo, Shingo and Yuto", strictly says Joanna while calmly looking at others [Heba, Atem, Tea, Mark, Ishizu, Mahado, Kalin, Crow, Reji, Zane, Slade, Jagger, Shayna and Atticus], at the same time.

After two minutes later,... 

After two minutes later, before both Joanna and her own first husband head towards their own bedroom, "all of you must not disturb both of us until the lunch is ready", strictly says Joanna while looking at her own second husband Seth, her twin sister Josephine, Meera, Jaden, Mom Rebecca, Mom Martha, Mom Mirai, Mom Melanie (Mela), Mom Aoi, Mom Blair and Mom Mizuki, at the same time.

"Dragon, I can see that you are finally loosing your self-control over your body now and it will be better for both of us if you can carry me in a bridal style until both of us reach inside our own bedroom", lustfully whispers Joanna through her own beloved husband Seto's left ear. Without loosing a single minute, Seto immediately lifts his own beloved pregnant wife Joanna up, within both of his own muscular arms.

With both Seto and his own first beloved wife Joanna, inside their own bedroom... 

"While continuously ravaging my own beautiful body, dragon, you will have to be very careful as there are still ten unborn baby boys who are still growing up, within my womb", calmly says Joanna while continuously looking at her own first beloved husband Seto with a pair of puppy eyes, at the same time. After three minutes later, Seto properly pulls the door latch from inside as well as he quickly switches on the sound proof mood, within his own bedroom.  

After finish switching on the sound proof mode, Seto gladly decides to passionately do a lot of both sloppy and smooth liplocks with his own beloved pregnant wife Joanna, on the same soft bed mattress. But, a few minutes later, both Seto and Joanna suddenly feel that one of their ten unborn baby boys has just kicked for the first time, within Joanna's womb. "Dragon, I can feel that something is moving inside my womb", calmly says Joanna back.

"Wow, my sweet puppy, one of our own ten babies has just kicked for the second time, inside your womb", happily says Seto while gently placing his own head on the top of Joanna's protruding belly surface, at the same time. "Dragon, we have still three months to be both physically and mentally prepared before my final pregnancy due date, that is, 17th December 2013", politely reminds Joanna. 

"I am sorry for squeezing your hand to hard while giving birth to both Juliet (Juliea) and Juliette (Julie) last time", guilty says Joanna while continuously crying on her husband Seto's bare muscular chest, at the same time. "It is okay, my sweet puppy. I didn't really mind that you had really squeezed my hand hard as you had physically been in lot of pain while giving birth to our own beautiful princesses, both Juliea and Julie", calmly says Seto back.     

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