Kyle the edgy bookworm

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"Eh?" Considering the fact I don't read, I don't know how to answer that with him still being happy with my answer. "Manga, I read manga! a-and sometimes Kenny's Playboy's.." I stumbled on my words, they ended up coming out in a big ass word.

"Hey, that reminds me.. Have turned seen my bangbros 3 DVD?" Kenny buts in. Who uses DVD's anymore? Kyle rolls his eyes and turns his focus back to me. "No need to be a dick about it!" Kenny fake whines. Carman glances at me quickly then goes back to staring at his lap. He's weeb. A weeb like me. He could be bae.

Kyle seemed to ignore Kennys comment. They seemed to have grown up since fourth grade.. "Not much of a reader? Or are you retarded and can't read.." He asked this is a kind way. I was so wrong. "Wow what a bi-" I realised his face held sadness.. It must be about how we don't have a common interest.

"That could totally change, I could get my retardism fixed." I smiled slightly. Is retardism even a fucking word?! Great fucking job Y/N. Bra-fucking-vo! He perked up and smiled the smallest, barely recognizable smile. Bravo Y/N. I gave myself an imaginary Pat on the back.

"Anyway, what's up with you?" My voice cracked at the end. Fuck me in the ass with a chainsaw. He closed his eyes and with his left hand, traced the rim of of his tea cup and with his right he stroked his completely hairless chin in thought. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and smiled. Must be glad I asked him.

"Well, let's see." He stops stroking his hairless chin. (Stroking is such a weird word I only use it when- nvm) His finger is much longer then mine. Must be good at fin- stop Y/N. Don't lewd the boy.

"My favorites are deep and complex shit. Fantasy worlds are kick ass, the level of creativity it takes to come up with that kind of stuff never ceases to amaze me! Telling such an a kick ass story with a world you made up in the fragments of your mind is equally impressive, my personal favorite of this genre is-"

Kyle goes on, clearly a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs in the making. He seems very passionate about reading and I admire that. He seemed very timid and reserved since I walked in but that's only since he finds more comfort in books instead of people. Intriguing. Also bae material.

"I enjoy a lot of things but stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well.." Wasn't expecting that but okie doki. "Isn't it amazing how a writer can take advantage of how small our imagination is and throw you on your own personal acid trip, just with words!!"

He seems way to cheery about this. I hesitantly nod my head. At this small gesture his smile grows bigger. Like he's finally found someone who can agree with him on the weird yet intriguing levels he's on. Stan can understand a lot but I guess he can't understand this..

"Anyway! I've been reading tons of horror lately!" Just to impress him I try to grasp onto what little I understood of that while fucking Peace and War novel type shit he just said.

At this rate he should just talk to Rocky, my beautiful pet rock. "I wouldn't of expected such a...dark thing from you Kyle, you're so gentle." Stan butted in as he took a sip of tea.

"He's just proving Ginger Jews are Evil!" Cartoon mumbled.

"Attention seeking brat.. But, I guess you could say that Stan. But!" There's always a but. "If the story makes me think or even better, takes me to another world. I just can't put it down!" Stan looks at him with a face I can't comprehend. "Surreal horror is very successful at changing the way you look at the world." He smiled happily. "Shut the fuck up! I hate horror you stupid emo, ginger, Jersey, jew!" Cartman interrupted. He looked kinda scared from all this talk about horror. " Oh? Why's that fatass?" Kyle asked tauntingly. "Well..i just..-" His eyes dart over to me for a split second. Not even that, more like a Milli-second.

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