Ch. 1

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  Arthur put Alfred's messenger bag on the table and opened it. The bag shook lightly as Arthur opened it. There wasn't many things in it. Arthur carefully took out a few homemade necklaces (which looked to be made by children), feathers, a few pens and quils, a big jar of ink, and finally a thick journal. Arthur held the journal for a few seconds before putting it down on the table. He moved the bag to the chair where Alfred sat.
Lovino spoke, "That's All? Really?" Arthur nodded.

  Matthew noticed the journal. He knew it. He needed to get it before anyone could look inside of it. He slowly reached for it. Why slowly? Just incase someone noticed him at that second. Which was probably not going to happen, but it was a precaution. He slid the journal back to him, that's when everyone noticed him.
"Vho are jou and vhy are jou taking the journal?" Ludwig said. Matthew saided silent.
"Are-a you gonna read it?" Feli asked. A few countries looked at eachother.

  That question sparked an idea in most of the countries heads. Matthew looked around nervously and tried to bolt, but a few of the countries blocked the doors so Matthew couldn't leave. Ivan walked over to Matthew with his hand out, waiting and wanting Matthew to give him the journal.
"N-No!.. I won't let you!!" Gilbert just noticed what journal it was and went to to help Matthew.
"No jou can't! The awesome me wi-" Ivan pushed Gilbert out of the way and forcefully grabbed Alfred's journal. Ivan walked back over to his seat, and sat down. Matthew was kinda devastated that he couldn't protect one of his brothers possesitions. Ivan opened the journal and started to read it out loud, but he didn't know how to read the first this Alfred had written down so he just said each thing individually.
"**&!'|**•   |*#&>!@**! ,  **&!'|**•  /#%÷|@' " (If You Can Find Out What This Said In My Secret Language I Will Follow You /:If Im Not Already:/ And Draw You What Ever Hetalia Character You Want Me Too. GOOD LUCK!)

"December 8, 1941. We are staked out-"


"Dudes come here!" Alfred yelled at his Allies.
"Alfred," Arthur, the Brit of the group said, "We are actually doing things to get off this island!"
Yao and Francis came over to Alfred and looked where he was looking, The Axis were down there. Arthur groaned and went to the three. When he saw the Axis he groaned, mumbling, "Bloody Pricks..". Arthur walked back to the fire they had started and sat down, staring at it. Francis and Yao followed him back to the fire. Alfred stared at the Axis for a few more minutes, wondering what they were planning. He walked over after a few minutes, sitting down. He was looking at all of his allies in this war. Ivan was on look out for the first part of the night. Alfred fell asleep until it was his turn to be look out for the group, for his allies.

  When it was Alfred's turn to be look out, he went over and looked at the Axis again. Lovino and Gilbert were now with the Axis. They were all passed out, except Ludwig who was being look out for them at the time.


"Ludwig looked over my way. I ducked in the bushes., my heart was pumping not wanting to be caught.
There was noting else important in the night, but tomarrow will be a diffrent day.
-Alfred Jones" Ivan finished reading the first entry. A few of the countries looked at Matthew and Gilbert, who knew what the journal was.

  Alfred's journal wasn't a normal journal though as Gilbert than said, "Jou keep reading and it vill be diffrent. Diffrent for all of us..." Matthew nodded, though no one could see him. Gilbert laughed a little bit realizing what entery Ivan read.

"Vat's so funny?"

"He didn't even read the first entery!"

All of the countries, next to Matthew and Gilbert, said "What?" very confused.

Word Count- 674
Please try and guess what it said in my secret language.
Hope you are enjoying this fanfic/story. Love you all, hope you have a good day! Bye!

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