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The storm began to roll in around one am. Rain pelted the roof in a relentless drone. Lightning flashed through the thick, high windows of the gym, as well as, cracks in the boarded windows that lined the hallways. When thunder made it's entrance, everything seemed to shake.

Someone has tried to put music on a portable stereo, but it was drowned out by the combined noises of the storm.

The group had gathered in the middle of the gym. Lanterns surrounded them, like some sort of rather unimpressive summoning circle. Patrick sat up, watching the windows while Pete laid on the ground, playing with his fingers. Josh sat behind Tyler, wrapped in a blanket and hugging him tightly with giggles.

Brendon sat on the ground with Dallon's head in his lap. The gummi bears had kicked in awhile ago. Dallon didn't even seem to mind the sound of the storm outside. He seemed dazed and spaced out. All he seemed to want to do was be close to Brendon, which Brendon didn't mind at all. If it would make Dallon feel better, he was happy to do it.

"How bad do you think this one will be?" Pete called out, his voice echoing around the wide space. "I don't remember what category they put it in."

"They floated a few numbers, but I never heard a definite." Tyler replied. He popped open a can of something and held it out. Patrick took it with a signed 'thank you' before passing it to Pete. "Sounds pretty rough, though."

Dallon tugged at Brendon's shirt. Brendon looked down, meeting Dallon's wide eyes. "What?" He laughed, brushing a finger along Dallon's hairline.

"Does it sound that bad?" He asked. The grip on Brendon's shirt tightened with the question.

"You're fine, babe." Brendon promised, "It's okay."

Dallon nodded. "Okay." The grip loosened. He turned his head to the side and yawned.

"Let me get the pillow and blanket." Brendon laughed again. He gently guided Dallon into a sitting up position before climbing up and hurrying over to the duffle bags that remained by the bleachers. He grabbed their handles, hoisting them over each shoulder, and turned back to the group. He started walking back when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

In the hallway that connected to the gym, there seemed to be a dark silhouette against the shadows. Brendon squinted at the figure. Everyone in the group was in the middle of the gym; who the hell was that? He tried to step forward, but froze with another clap of thunder. He blinked and the silhouette was gone.

He continued to stare at the empty space, unsure of what he had seen. There was no one else in the building, right?

After a moment of staring into the darkness, he shook his head and made his way back to the group. He sat down beside Dallon and dropped the bags at his sides. Dallon swayed from side to side while Brendon pulled out the blanket and pillows.

Dallon giggled as Brendon wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. "I love you." He continued to giggle, leaning forward to kiss Brendon's cheek.

Brendon turned his head to catch Dallon's lips on his. "I love you too." He smiled, "Now lay down, doofus."

"You're a doofus." Dallon laughed. He tightened the blanket around him and stuck out his tongue. However, he did lower himself to the floor, snuggling up to the pillows Brendon had placed down for him.

Brendon sat next to him. He focused down on Dallon as he began to doze off at first, but his gaze drifted towards the hallway. He was sure he had seen something in the dark. Had someone else snuck into the building seeking shelter from the storm that rated outside?

"Patrick's right." Pete pipped up from where he sat, "When this place was packed with people, it was almost like the storm didn't exist. It's way different with this place so empty."

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