3- Fangs Out

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from: AO3
author: MissHappy

Summary: Is that time of the week. Calum, Ashton and Michael must face the hardest task to ever encounter them.

Bathing their beloved cat hybrid Luke.

"Hey there Lukitten" Calum sits beside the curled boy on the sofa, petting the skin right above Luke's golden tail, idly counting the white rings around it till he got to the white tip and started again. Calum always found funny how the boy's brown ears didn't match with his tail at all.

"I told'u to stop callin' me that, it's' tupid" he crawled to the 21-year old's lap, purring happily at the caresses.
"Yeah well I don't think so" the brown-eyed man lifted the boy by under his arms, sitting him on his lap. Luke slumped on his thighs, rubbing his eyes sleepily after his probably fifth nap of the day, at 5 pm, after waking up at 10:43 am.

"Where's Mike an' Ash?" Luke clawed at Calum's shirt until he was satisfied enough and dropped his body against it. "On the bathroom" the man answered, getting up and holding the hybrid on his hip.



"Why are they-? No Calum!" The realization came to Luke then.

He was not getting a bath. Not today.

He struggled to get out of Calum's hold in any way possible, trashing around and digging his claws on the man's back in the progress. He started yowling desperately when they got to the door of the bathroom, Michael and Ashton waiting patiently there and the tub already full of water.

"Come on Luke be good" Calum pleaded, the other men were silently watching, however, Calum needed to hurry up because the water was going to get cold and that's when things would get truly bad.

"No!" Luke screamed, and in one last attempt of escaping he bit down hard on Calum's shoulder. It worked because the man yelped and loosened his grip on Luke, the boy took the opportunity to get out of his arms and ran to his room, closing the door behind him.

"Great job Cal" Ashton muttered, leaning down to check if the water was any less warm.

"I told you it was better if you did it" Michael sighed, sitting down on the toilet lid. "Now you go get him from under his bed".

"I can't be the only who deals with him when he gets fussy" the older of the three was already walking to Luke's room. "Whatever dad" Calum muttered behind him. He rolled his eyes and opened Luke's room, the 23-year old didn't waste time looking for him, they all knew Luke's favourite spot to hide.

"Hey there Lukey, why don't you come out here yeah?" he got on his knees, his chest and face almost touching the floor, he at least was grateful Luke's manners made them stay sure the floor was always clean.

Luke mewled back at Ashton, recoiling even more on himself. "Don't wan' bath, don't like it".

"I know kitty but it's time for one, and we can't go on another day with just wet wipes okay? You need to come out 'cause the water will get very cold and it'll be worse" he tried reasoning with the hybrid, slowly reaching his hand to him.

"No" Luke gave his back to the man; apparently it was 6th nap of the day time. Ashton almost groaned in exasperation, this wouldn't have been necessary if he had gone for Luke himself.

"I'm gonna count to three, if you don't come out before I finish I'll drag you out of there I don't care Luke" he warned loud enough in case Luke was actually asleep.

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