10- its the most beautiful pain in the world

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from: ao3
by: orphan_account

It was late. Like really late. Just past two in the morning to be exact and Ashton hated himself.

There were many things wrong with the situation he was in. The first one is the fact that it was a Friday night and he was stuck at the animal clinic for the fifth night in a row. The second is the fact that he had barely slept the past few days because he'd been juggling working here and his school work. He would have asked Michael to cover for him but he was dealing with some family issues and Ashton didn't want to disturb that.

So, he was sitting at the reception desk, lazily flipping through the pages of the drumming magazine, trying to pass the time before six arrived and he could go home and sleep for the next ten years – or he won't because he can't exactly sleep for ten years. The place was deathly still, the only sounds being Ashton's page turning and the soft sounds of animals snoring. Ashton loved working at the animal clinic, he planned on being a vet one day but he sincerely hoped it didn't end up like this because there was only so many late nights he could take.

He believed the night would pass relatively peacefully, maybe one of the animals would wake up but aside from that, the night should be uneventful but Ashton doesn't get that luxury, as per usual.

It was only small, quiet, sounds he hears and it sounds like scratching, so he puts it down to one of the puppies or kitten clawing at their cages or something but that idea is dashed when he hears the sound of rustling which could still be one of the animals but animals can't exactly open their cages and rustle things like that. Ashton gathered he had gotten company and, with a quick roll of his shoulders, he made his way slowly into the back room, where the medication is usually kept.

It would probably be some druggie or homeless person. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened and Ashton is prepared to force them to leave if he has to.

Except, when he reaches the back room it's not some stoned loser or a homeless man looking for shelter but a boy, who can't be much younger than him. A beanie sat atop his head while he crouched down, looking through the very bottom shelves of the medicine cabinet. This wouldn't have been much of a problem, Ashton could have just called out and gotten rid of him but the boy is messing around with stuff they usually give to wild animals.

"We usually reserve that stuff for woodland creatures." Ashton said. "And you don't look like a woodland creature."

The boy gasped, jumping up and dropping the bottle of pills he was holding. Upon seeing him in full height, there are a few things Ashton's noticed. The first was how broad he was, the second was that he was dirty, the black jeans that clung to his legs were covered with mud and rips, the same state continued onto his t-shirt, except the white fabric was stained an odd crimson shade at one side and he was standing as if he needed to use the bathroom.

"What are you doing in here?" Ashton asked.

"Um... I... Um..." The boy licked his lips, eyes looking everywhere but Ashton.

"If you don't tell me why you're here, I'll call the cops." Ashton said.

"Please don't." The boy gasped out as if he'd just resurfaced from being held under water.

"And he speaks." Ashton nodded. "What are you doing here?"

"I j-just needed a bandage." The boy said. He gulped as he pressed a hand to his bloodied side. "It hurts."

"What happened?" Ashton asked, moving towards him. "How deep is it?"

Again, the boy licked his lips. "Not too deep."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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