5- Can't Buy Happiness Part//1 of 5

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from: ao3
by: MoistMalum

Luke knew it was a bad idea to stay awake until late. He had to work tomorrow, yet there he was: 3 am, on the couch with a beer watching a teleshopping channel. It was no ordinary teleshopping: tonight's subject were subs.
The blonde young man had been thinking about getting one for a while now. He felt so lonely in his flat, working from home, therefore he could take care of his sub very well since he would basically always be there.

The lady on the screen brought in another boy, very tall and with deep blue eyes. He was wearing only boxers to show off his body, as all the subs were required to do. The lady said his name, age and kinks. Definitely not what Luke was looking for.
He didn't want any power bottom type of sub, no, he had to be the one and only in charge. That's why all the cocky grins the subs sent to the camera seemed too bold.
He was about to finish his beer, defeated because the show was almost over and he hadn't found the one, yet.
Just as he was about to grab the remote and turn off the tv when a pair of bright green eyes caught his attention. On the screen, standing next to the lady (or more like clutching on her) stood a tiny boy with a black beanie that made him look adorable.

"This is Michael" the lady said in her monotone voice, "16 years old, 5 feet tall,...". Luke didn't even hear about his kinks, he called straight away the number glowing on the screen.

He hurriedly claimed he wanted Michael, and quickly said yes when he was asked twenty thousand dollars for the small boy. It was certainly a lot, Luke was aware of that, but luckily he could afford the boy that he believed was meant to be with him.

He was told to pick the boy up the following day from the building where all the homeless subs were provided shelter. That's when Luke realised he was supposed to get his new partner in about 6 hours: he started to panic. First of all, he set five alarms on his phone to make sure to be on time. Then he hurriedly picked out an outfit to wear the following day, so that he wouldn't waste time when he had to get ready. Then he finally went to sleep, even though he had a hard time falling asleep from how excited he was. His apartment wouldn't feel so lonely anymore.


It was 8:52 and Luke was in his car, driving. He seriously didn't know how he managed to bolt out of bed, shower and get ready in something like twenty minutes, but he did. He didn't even put on music in his car as he always did since he was so nervous.

Once he pulled up by the small building and parked his car, he entered it and gave his credentials to the lady at the office desk. It was all legal, the boy was old enough to guarantee consent and the payment methods had been approved by recent laws, therefore it didn't take long to settle everything.

It was then time for him to meet Michael.

The employee stood up from the desk and left to go fetch the boy from his room. To Luke, it felt like years, but just a couple of minutes later she was back, followed by the tiny figure.

Luke nearly cooed at the sight: Michael was wearing an oversized sweater that created sweater paws on his child-like hands, his hair looked messy but fluffy peeking out from the beanie and his eyes were the most intense green Luke had ever seen. The young boy tried to hide behind the lady, but he was roughly shoved in Luke's direction, almost losing balance.

"Hello, Michael. You look even prettier in real life" Luke beamed and caressed Michael's hair, him leaning into the touch. Michael replied with a small smile. He obediently followed Luke into the car, silently getting into the passenger seat.

This time Luke put on music, hoping that would help him bonding with his submissive, yet the shortie didn't say a word.

"Don't be nervous, Michael, it's just me" he assured glancing briefly at him. The boy shyly nodded.

"Seriously, though, I don't bite. Tell me a bit about yourself" he encouraged, only to see Michael shake his head no sadly. He was taken aback by this but decided to wait until they got home to address it.

Once home, Luke still hadn't heard a sound from Michael. Was the boy mute? Nonetheless, he made them sit on the couch to talk a bit.

"Michael, we're gonna be living together" he started to say, smiling, "so we have to get to know each other better, yeah? I'm gonna start, okay?". Luke had figured that maybe they didn't tell him anything about him so he started to introduce himself. Name, age, favourite music, quirks...

He expected Michael to comment on that and reply, but the boy simply nodded every now and then.

"Mikey, can you talk at all?" Luke asked, now seriously convinced the boy was. Michael nodded yes, though, so he could talk.

"Then, I need to hear your beautiful voice. Tell me anything. Our relationship needs trust, and how can we achieve it if you won't even talk to me?"

Michael was obviously struggling either to talk or keep silent, Luke couldn't tell. Then he finally heard a squeaky small voice.

"S-said Mikey no no talk" he said above a whisper, lip getting wobbly. Luke frowned.

"What do you mean, angel? Of course, you can talk"

"Mikey no t-talk w-well so Mikey no no talk". The 16-year-old looked obviously upset, and Luke understood that he was told not to talk by whoever since he obviously had some speech difficulties.

"It's okay, bud, I like the way you talk. It's really cute" he reassured, brushing Michael's messy fringe from his flawless eyes.

"Tank you" Michael blushed. He then followed Luke to his room, which wasn't completely personalised yet but Luke wanted to let him choose most of the stuff he needed. Though he decided to leave the shopping for when they were closer.

"Now do you wanna discuss rules, punishments and stuff like that?"

"Mikey no no pu-punishment! Mikey be g-good" Michael pleaded on the verge of tears.

Luke understood there'd be much work to do.

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