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Damien was beyond pissed, he was past livid, but he was absolutely positively definitely angry. Not with his big brother, no, he loved his big brother dearly. He knew that too many people hated his kind hearted cuddly cinnamon roll of a big brother right now, and that only him and Jason were left treating him with kindness and giving him their love.

It wasn't his or Jason's fault that Dick was gone, it wasn't. Right? I mean, he knew something was wrong, but he did nothing to figure out what or stop it. So, he knew that his brother who had no heartbeat right now, that was partially his fault.

"This is all your fault!" Damien Screamed, as he spun at Bruce and Tim. Both took a step back, never having seen ore heard Damien use that tone before or use that threatening stance.

"You both left him alone, when you could clearly see how hurt he was! You and that team of his He was so fond of, this is your faults!" Damien Screamed, before he ran into the hospital room and began to cry over Dicks body.

Tim and Bruce watched as Damien broke down, over his big brother. The reality of everything crashing down on them, as well as logic. They both went white, cuz Damien was right. They were blinded by the aftermath of the Invasion, the hurt, and everything. So blind that they couldn't see or hear Dicks reasoning, his pain, and his depression.

"Nobody move!" Jason Shouted, he could've swore he saw a heartbeat.



Then, it happened. Dicks heart began beating again, and his eyes opened. His head turned to Damien, and everyone held their breath. He opened his mouth, and Jason knew that Dick was straining himself way too much right now.

"Thank you Little D, I love you." Then his eyes closed, and his head lulled to the side. His brainwave activity went down again, and Jason sighed.

"He's our of the coma, but, he is still super weak. I'm scared he will go into another one, and his mind, it's starting to shut down." He Said, before Damien ran out of the room. He sprinted to the Zeta, not caring what he was doing.

His dad could go rot with his mother, he was gonna save his brother. The person that had accepted him the second he was brought to Gotham, to save the person who really acted like his father.


The team was sparring, Artemis and Kaldur were not participating though. They still held bitterness towards the team for their treatment of Nightwing, their little brother. Then, the Zeta announced someone.

'Recognized: Robin B-01'

The entire Watchtower froze, and turned to the Zeta. They were shocked as a kid appeared, and the original league and team members recognized him.

"Who are you?" Beast Boy Asked, and he sent them all a glare so horrible, that everyone flinched and wished they were dead.

"No, Who are you?!? Who do you think you are?!? Do you have any idea how idiotic all you morons have been?!?" He snapped, and Artemis and Kaldur realized what happened.

"Wait, is, is he?" Artemis began, but he shook his head no.

"No, but nearly. It's all you peoples fault!" He yelled again, and Superman stepped forward.

"Robin, What are you talking about?" He Asked, and Damien glared at him.

"Imbeciles! Have none of you seen the news?!? Nightwing has been gone, and it's because of you all! It's your guys fault that my big brother won't be coming home!" He screamed, and Kaldur lost his cool.

"I'm done, I resign as team leader. Effective immediately." He said, and everyone was shocked.

"But, Kaldur, why are you resigning?" Asked Wonder Girl, and he looked at them all.

"I've been sitting passively as I watched all of you scorn and belittle Nightwing, and I cannot do that any longer. I hoped you all would come to your senses and realize that Nightwing did nothing wrong, that it wand his plan that we used during the invasion. I was the one who came up with it, I was the one who chose what targets I hit, it was ME who was behind it all.

Nightwing was trying to get me to change my plans, he was the one trying to get me out, it was him, my little brother, who was risking the most!" Kaldur yelled, and everyone was shocked.

"Nightwing didn't force me to go undercover, in fact, he was quite adamant about me getting out after I was gone for a day." Artemis added, before they left. Dragging a kicking and screaming Robin, and making the JLA and team rethink what Nightwing has done.


It had been three days since Dick came back, and already he was deteriorating. He keeps forgetting how to speak English, keeps saying he thinks he sees his dead cousin, and his sentences are getting less coherent.

"Dickie, you need to eat." Jason Said, as he tried to get his brother to eat. However, Dick wasn't eating.

"No, how can I trust it? How do I know you?" He said, and Jason sighed. Now he can add memory loss to the list of symptoms to Dicks rapid painful death.

"Please, you need to eat. For me, for Jaybird." He Said, and Dick took one bite. Then his eyes got glassy and foggy, and he had a genuine smile on his face.

"I see them, my family. They're so close, Jason, I see my parents." He Said, and Jason let a tear fall. His brother only had a few days left, he could tell.

"That's great Dickiebird, But, what about us? Me, Damien, and Alfred? Do you want to leave us so soon?" He Asked, and Dicks eyes cleared a bit.

"No, but, I miss them." Dick said, and Jason gave his big brother a hug.

"I know Dickie, I know." He Said, then he let his brother go back to sleep. He knew that if he got Dick to someplace familiar, with familiar scents and sights. He could possibly slow his brothers deterioration, but, that was a long shot. One, he had to think of the risks.

He looked at his brother, who already looked bad. He looked at all the charts, and scans. Then realized, though it is a selfish thought. If he wanted his brother to live, so he could spend more time with him, then he was going to have to take this risk. So, he pulled out his phone and called Dr. Leslie Tompkins.

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