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"Where are we?" Zatanna Asked, But at that moment. Something broke underneath them, and it swallowed them up. They fell into a black box thing, and were horrified by what they saw.




The original team was horrified by what they saw, it was Dick. But, not their brother. He was in a Nightwing suit way too big for him, and he was in the corner rocking back and forth. In a curled up position, one that didn't look comfortable.

"Dick?" Said Tim gently, the man looked up. Everyone recoiled by what they saw, a nine year old Dick Grayson. He was staring back at them, without a mask.

"T-Timmy?" He asked quietly, and his brothers stepped forward.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm right here, and I'm so sorry." Tim Said, and that's all it took. The little boy threw off the Nightwing suit and ran forward, exposing his Flying Graysons trapeze suit. That was covered with blood. He crashed into his little brother and started crying.

""Hey, it's alright. We've got you now." Jason Said gently, and Dick looked at them.

"But-but it's too late for me, they're coming back. They already took the others, I'm all that's left." He said, and his brothers were confused.

"What others?" They Asked, and Dick looked at them with tear filled eyes.

"They came and took Nightwing, Detective, Robin, and I'm the last one." He said, and Megan gasped.

"Your personalities, something's been destroying parts of you." She Said, and he screamed. Covered his hears and shut his eyes, and made everyone shocked.

"No, no, no, Nonono. Megan not here, Megan hates me. Stop trying to make me hear their voices, they all hate me." He Said, But this is when the original team finally realized. The Boy Wonder was like this, this scared little shell of his former self, because of them.

"No, we're right here Dick. All of us." Artemis Said, and the boy slowly opened his eyes. Jason set him down, and Dick hesitantly walked forward.

Wally, he felt all his anger and hate dissolve. He remembered when he met nine year old Robin, when they became best friends. That's what he wanted now, to get his little brother back. So, he ran forward. Everyone was shocked to see him turn into an eleven year old version of himself, and crash into the terrified acrobat.

"I'm so sorry, I hurt you. I'm so sorry, please, please don't hate me." Wally Said, as tears rolled down his face. Dick hugged him back, and cried.

"I forgive you, I've just wanted everyone to forgive me. I was never mad, just hurt." Sick said, as he separated. However, soon the room got cold, and a blue eerie light filled the room. Nine year old Dick locked absolutely terrified, and he was two shades paler.

"They're here." Dick said, as absolute terror filled his system. The team and his brothers circled up around him, so they could protect their brother. That's when it happened, a dark shadow started to appear.

"What the hell is that?!?!?!?" Jason Shouted, as two glowing red eyes appeared. Everyone felt weak, but their determination to keep Dick alive kept them standing firm.

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