Last Chance

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Dr. Leslie Tompkins was going to be staying at Wayne Manor, either till Dick passed away for good or till he recovered. Everyone was hoping for the later, not wanting to lose their source of light.

She had gotten there as soon as the hospitals agreed to let Dick get transferred to Wayne Manor for his care, and she was gonna oversee it. Along with his personal physician, so, they were determined.

She had gotten everything they would need in his old room, she smiled when she saw it. It looked almost exactly the same as it did four years ago, just with way more pictures. Anyway, she sent the green light to Dr. Chase. Then was awaiting the arrival of Dick, she only waited five minutes.

"Ok, we have to hook him back up to machines. Hurry." Dr. Chase said, as he burst into the room. Transporting Dick on a Gurney, with Damien helping him carry it. Alfred helped Leslie transfer dick onto his bed, and hook him to the proper equipment. Then they held their breath, and watched as Dicks vitals rose.

"Good, it looks like he's stabilized." Jason Said, as he slid down the wall. Damien just carefully crawled into the bed, and curled up next to his brother.

"I'm assuming you know what this family does Dr. Chance?" Leslie Asked him, and he nodded.

"Which thing? The dressing up in spandex or the stupid painful charity galas that none of them like going to?" He Asked, and she chuckled.

"By the way, it's good to see you again Leslie." Jason added, and she smiled back at him.

"I knew you were him, just, How'd you get so much older?" He Asked, and Jason chuckled.

"Being brought back from the dead is a bitch." He said, and Alfred sighed.

"I believe that we should ask J'honn to come here and do a physic check of Master Richard." He suggested, and everyone nodded.

"I'll go get him." Leslie suggested, before she walked off to be transported to the Watchtower.

"Also, it would be wise to inform Red Arrow." Alfred Said, and Jason paled.

"I am not doing that, send Replacement." He Said, and Alfred rolled his eyes before he left. Leaving behind one exhausted Zombie, and a terrified Assassin.


The next day, J'honn came. Accompanying him was the original team, even Wally. They looked not amused, that is, till they saw Dick.

His skin is very pale now, almost as white as his bedsheets. His eyes have bags under them, despite how often he is asleep. His eyes are glazed over and glossy, and he is muttering in Romanian.

"What are they doing here?!?" Jason spat, as he stood up. Damien was sleeping curled up next to Dick, like a kitten next to its parent, and he was enjoying seeing the kid so open.

"We didn't want to come here, but these three dragged us here." Wally spat, gesturing to J'honn, Artemis, and Kaldur. Jason was about to murder them, when he heard a whimper. He spun around and rushed to his brothers side, and the noise woke Damien up.

Worry shinning in their eyes, and absolute fear overtook their features. Dick coughed, and blood splattered his sheets. Jason gently took his brothers left hand and held it in his own, while he let Damien hug him.

"Dick? Dickie, what's wrong?" Jason Said gently, and Dick turned his head. The team, for the first time, they saw what their actions have done.

"Jaybird? Is-is that you?" He Asked weakly, and Jason nodded. Tears fell from him and Damien's eyes, and his grip on his brothers hand tightened.

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