You're an Amazing Singer

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Tyler's POV:

I sit at a table in a corner of Café Dulce, near the window, thinking of things to do to keep from boredom. I turn on my MacBook. Hopefully getting on Tumblr or Twitter will help pass time. It was around four pm so I had four hours to kill before meeting up with my friends Korey, Sawyer, and Zoe for a party. Scrolling through my social media feed wasn't enough to keep me occupied and soon I find myself rearranging files on my desktop into various shapes. "What the fuck are you doing?" I mutter to myself.

"Huh?" the guy sitting at the table next to me turns to ask. Guess I said that a little too loudly.

"Nothing, I wasn't taking to you."

"Oh okay," he turns back around and goes about his business.

I go back to mindlessly rearranging files when one of the workers steps on the stage towards the back of the café where they usually have local band came and play. He taps the microphone twice to make sure it's working and opens his mouth to speak. "Okay people, as you know, every Saturday at four we begin our Open Mic Night where you can sing, play an instrument, read poems, tell jokes, pretty much anything. I'm Adam, the host, and we've got a great turn-out today, with various acts, so let's get started." Sounds interesting. I shut off my laptop and move to a different table so that I have a better view of the stage. Adam announces the first person to come on the stage. "To kick things off, we have Troye-with an E- Mellet sing two of his original songs titled 'Happy Little Pill' and 'Touch'. Come on up Troye."

Troye steps on stage, as Adam hands him the microphone. I look Troye up and down, Wow he is hot I think to myself. "Hot" might be an understatement. He has an innocent look to his face, amazing, chocolate brown hair, piercing blue eyes (the kind that make you melt inside), and his lips. His lips. They're close to perfect, just looking at them makes me- no Tyler, stop. First listen to him sing, then fantasize when you're not staring right at him.

I feel myself start to blush. I hate when I do that, especially in public. I redirect my thoughts and sit back and listen. Troye hands Adam a CD, I'm guessing it has the music that goes with his song. He looks nervous, like this is his first time singing in front of people.

"The first song I'm going to sing is 'Happy Little Pill'. Hope you all enjoy," oh great, he has an Australian accent. As if he wasn't perfect enough. He smiles a cute little half-smile, the music starts playing, and Troye opens his mouth to sing.

Troye's POV:

Terror fills me as I step on stage. This is my first time singing in front of people that aren't my family or really close friends. They aren't that many people here, but it's still nerve wracking. I hand Adam my CD. I think back to what my boyfriend Rider told me when I was on the phone with him earlier today. "Just think of me being on stage with you, holding your hand, and you'll be fine." That instantly calms me down a bit.

My friends Caspar, Joe, and Louise give me thumbs up when the music starts. Even they haven't really heard me sing. I half-smile at them, take a deep breath, remembering what Rider said, and begin.

In the crowd, alone

Every second passing

Reminds me I'm not home

Bright lights and city sounds

Are ringing like a drone

Unknown, unknown

Glazed eyes, empty hearts

Buying happy from shopping carts

Nothing but time to kill

Sipping life from bottles

Tight skin, bodyguards

Gucci down the boulevard

Cocaine, dollar bills


When I finish it seems as if the every person in the café is silent. I start to get worried, thinking they don't like it. Then they applaud me. Actually stand up and clap like I'm a professional. I beam, giddy with happiness. People like my singing!

I sing 'Touch' way more confidently and get the same reaction, maybe even better. I thank everyone for listening and step off the stage. Louise runs over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh my God you were amazing! Even better than I expected."

"Oh calm down, it's not that big of a deal," and it really wasn't but I still felt pretty special. Adam introduces the next person, and my fifteen minutes of fame end.

Tyler's POV:

Wow. Holy shit this kid can sing. If he sticks to it, he could make it one day. He looks ecstatic when he walks off stage, with a smile that lights up his whole face. Makes me feel happy for him. Maybe I should go get up and talk him. After all, I am kind of developing a mild obsession with him. I decide to talk to him,get to know this beautiful stranger. Turn on the charm a bit and I might even get him back to my dorm.

I push back my chair and stand up, packing my laptop in a bag and scanning the cafe to find Troye. I spot him near the front, by the door, talking to a small group of people. I'm surprised to see that I feel nervous about talking to him. Usually, when it comes to talking to cute guys, I'm very straight forward. Just looking at him gives me a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Weird. C'mon Tyler get your shit together, go over there, and talk to that very attractive guy with the voice of an angel. The little pep talk to myself helps me get the nerve to go over and talk to Troye. I think about what I'm going to say to him as I walk across the cafe. Then I stop. This is also weird. Any other time, I just say whatever comes to my mind when I'm having a conversation. I don't really think about it, the words just flow out. So why is this time different? What is it about this Troye that is making me not act like myself?

I dismiss it as nothing in particular so I can go back to concentrating on what I'm going to say when I talk to Troye. I guess I'll just start by introducing myself. Tell him about how he is an amazing singer. Maybe ask where he is from. He's obviously not from around here according to his accent. Can I also mention that Australian accents are very sexy? Then I could see if he would like me to show him around Los Angeles. Wait, that might make it seem like I'm coming on too strong. Get to know him better, Tyler, more than just where he's from. Tell him a few things about you. Then ask to go out for coffee or lunch or something like that. Yep, that sounds good.

I can't believe I just had a conversation with myself about this. I roll my eyes at myself and continue walking over to Troye who is still surrounded by his little clique. Maybe I should wait until he's done talking with them. Ya know what, I already planned it out so why not just go for it? I go on walking, more confident now until I reach Troye. I tap his shoulder and he turns around to face me. God damn he is attractive. I open my mouth to speak "Uh.." My mind goes completely blank. I forget everything that I had planned to say. Shit. "Yeah?" he says.

"I-I just wanted to say you're an uh an amazing s-singer." I can feel my face go red. I probably look like a fucking tomato.

"Haha thanks- uh what's your name?"


"Thanks Tyler." he smiles, making my knees go weak. I've got to keep it together, I've probably already embarrassed myself enough.

"You're uhm you're welcome." he turns back around to start talking to his friends again. I turn around and sit down in the chair nearest to me. Then I groan, wanting to punch myself in the face. God, that was terrible. Dumb ass, you blew it. R.I.P. any chance I ever had with you Troye Mellet.


(A/N) Hi, hello. It me, Ti. Yay new Troyler fanfic. I think im gonna stick with this one and I'm going to try to update every few days. I have the next to chapters written already. Anywho feel free to leave any thoughts on my story in the comments or suggestions. Stay Cloudy. MWAHH bieee.

The Perfect Roommate (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin