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Bailey 🔝

Bailey 🔝

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"Please...let me go!" I squealed.

"Don't move or fucking die." He said, putting the cold metal death call by my hip.

"I-I'm S-Sorry" I stutter. Not wanting to die. I was shaking vigorously and my eyesite was blurry, seeing as I'm crying...

I soon was dragged out the cafe, and shoved into a vehicle.

"Ow" I said wanting to rub my back, for falling on hard leather.

But I couldn't since I'm cuffed...

"Will you get in? FatAss" he said

"I'm not fat, I can't move because my back stings." I informed

"You pushes me so hard I collided with the metal causing a bruise or scar on my back." I added

He touched me which made me flinch, thinking he would hit me...he turned me around and softy put my shirt up from the back and he turned silent

"What?" I asked

"Its nothing bad, just ice it" he said.

Wow, okay.

The car ride was silent, I was thinking of all the possibilities that could happen causing me to cry...

"You're not going to die" he said

"How do you know? I can die anytime! You can even kill me right now!" I said, in between sobs.

"What? You afraid you're going to loose all your precious bags and jewelry and money? Or your little pretty face?" He mimicked.

How dare he..

"You flipping flonker how dare you! Criticize me? I'm not one of those night standers or the Sl*ts I'm a decent human being. Just because I have a lot of money doesn't mean I'm all snobby and a rich B*tch." I said, fumed.

"Wow, you don't swear huh? Well I have one thing to ask you, Would you just shut up?" He said

I kept my mouth shut, and looked around the fading houses passing by. Seconds passed, which turned into minutes, which turned into hours. It has been 2 hours till I last spoke a word. I was wide awake looking outside. in the same position for two hours not move or talking. Just breathing...

"You dead already?" He asked

No reply

He said for me to shut up, so I am. I didn't want to talk to him. He wasn't worth of my voice.

I stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride, silently crying...


"We are here" a voice said from bedside me.

I guess I fell asleep, seeing as my eyes are tired and my position is still the same.

"Okay" I replied weakly.

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