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Baileys POV

Baileys POV

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I heard beeping coming from beside me, the sound continuously going on for I don't know how long...I tried opening my eye lids but it seemed as if they're stuck. I tried once again but failed. With all my strength I tried one last time and finally, I saw lightness and I quickly squinted.

"She's awake" a deep unfamiliar voice said.

"Bailey? Bailey can you hear me? I'm your doctor." He asked, I nodded slowly.

"Alright. I'm sorry to say but from what I heard you fainted earlier this morning. Do you remember?" He asked

"I-I d-do" I said, my voice raspy.

"Please hand her some water" he told someone

She gave me water which helped out way more then I thought.

"T-thank you" I said.

She smiled.

"Alright, I will call in the people that came with you today and we will talk about what happened and the cause of it..." he trialed off, I nodded in response.

The door opened showing my mom and Julie standing there looking like a train wreck. Then came in mr Clark who looked drained...and lastly, Him. He walked in holding mr Clark's hand to help him in, he looked emotionally drained. He has bags under his eyes and his hair is all messed up and he took his blazer part of the suite off...

"Good evening...Bailey is now stable. She was what you call a very strong girl. at least a person that blacked out, lasts for around 1 day and you, lasted for only 6 hours..." he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Anyways, lets get on with the symptoms. Please be seated" he said

"So bailey blacked out at around 11:03am, am I right?" He asked

"Yes" he replied.

The hell? How did he know that?


"So there are two diagnose for this, She is rather dehydrated and hungry, or she is emotionally unstable. Based on the X-rays and testing. I think it's the first one.
Please tell me. Bailey, did you eat yesterday?" He asked

"Yes, I did" I said

"How many times, and what did you eat?" He asked

"For breakfast I ate a beagle and a double chocolate chip frap from Starbucks, I had a book screening that time so I didn't eat lunch, and then me and Julie planned to eat at...what's the place again?" I asked

"Masa" She said, I looked to my right to see him stiffen

"Yea right, that place. But we ended up ditching it. Since something came up.." I said

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