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Matt's POV

Matt's POV

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"No...No...please god no." I said looking at the now empty bed...

"She's gone..." I said, my voice breaking in the end.

I love her, I won't loose her. Not again..

"M-Matt w-we have to find her.." Julie's trembling voice said.

"Where? Where would we find her!?" I said falling on the ground, pulling fists full of hair trying to get rid of the pain I'm feeling...

"I-I..don't know." She replied sobbing.

"I'm calling the police" Amanda said.

She can't be...why now? Why in the 2 years would it be now? I lived my life the way I wasn't supposed to, and now that I have the chance to gain it back, look who came? Another fucking tragedy Just always waiting to happen!...am I that of a curse? Am I not worthy of my own happiness? Am I not capable of possessing love?...

"-Matt!" I heard people screaming my name.

I looked up from the darkness I was in, seeing Everyone on there knees looking at me with worry.

"You blocked us out for 2 minutes. We where trying to call you. But you just wouldn't hear us..." carter said, I looked at everyone emotionless. Not capable of understanding what they're feeling...


"W-what did the P-Police say?" I managed to choke out.

"They're coming" Amanda replied.

I looked back down...

"Matt please say something? What are you feeling? Are you Okay?" Madi asks

I looked up, anger boiling. Who would ask that question?

"Am I Okay? Is that really a fucking explainable question? Really Madison? You're not a 5 year old! Even a new born could tell I was NOT okay. I lost the person I love! She brought me more joy then anyone has given me throughout my entire life! So yea, I have no clue what I'm feeling? Maybe I'm just deeply grieving that I didn't protect her, that I didn't stay with her throughout the night and that I knew she was in danger, and gave Nichole the perfect opportunity to grab the person who stole my heart by leaving her alone in a room...So great-fucking-question, Madison." I raged, while sobbing my eyes out...I've never cried this much in my entire life...maybe it's all my emotions bundled inside my shattered heart, sparking out in this very moment. Or maybe the absence of bailey not being here, is killing me second by second...

"Matthew..." Madison trialed off. I looked into her eyes, seeing shock and sadness took over them.


"..I can leave." She said walking out the door, before I could try and stop her.

"Guys...Go. If the police comes just explain What happens...I can't...-Just leave me alone" I said balling myself up into Baileys bed.

"Okay.." they all replied. I wasn't looking towards them..but I soon heard the door open then close.

"You fucker, you have to control your anger..." A voice said from across the room.


I looked up, my blurry vision now clearing up.


"I told you to leave" I snapped.

"Getting mad at people isn't helping." She said

"I don't care! Okay? Can't you tell I don't want to talk to anyone right now?" I asked

She kept a straight face on. And sighed.

"I know, you know where you need to meet Nichole..." she trailed off...

I looked up once again, questioning how she knew...

"How do you know?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I saw the notes, And based on them, it's clear she wants you going there. So now that she has my best friend/practically my sister, you have to get her back! I'm not a nerd for no reason, I know this shit" she said tears falling from her face.

"What are you still doing here?! Why don't you fucking go get your ass up and save your so called love? Because if your little pussy of a mind would have done that already, We would have had her back by now." She snapped, raising her voice.

I swallowed my fright. and nodded hesitantly...

"Okay.." I said, standing up. I Wobbled a little, seeing as I cant balance myself.

"Go." She said before walking out the door.

We walked downstairs, everyone shocked to see me.

"I know where she is.." I said...

I explained everything that I knew. We had the police here, and everyone soon headed to their cars and drove to the address...

696 Grasslaw Rode

Clearly I made that up.

15 minutes later...

Quietly driving. I stopped at the destination...

The smell, the vibe, the scenery, and everything...it was all the same. This is where I got...

"How Do we get in?" Van asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know." I replied. I looked at the cops, them doing signals with their hands.

"We have a plan. To get in this wear house, we all need to split up. Go with a police officer and once you find a way, one of the police will use our walkie-talkies to communicate. Got it?" The commander whisper asked.

We all nodded. Their are me Vance, carter, and Jacob. The rest of the girls are at home.

"Go!" He said splitting up.

I was paired with this big guy.

"Do you have any plans?" I asked.

"Shut up" he snapped.

"Mad much?" I asked walking faster.

"Where are you going?" He asked holding on my arm.

"Don't touch me fucker" i sneered.

"Don't swear at me. You're coming me with me" he said dragging me.

"Let me the fuck go!" I screamed. I started punching, pushing, and doing multiple stuff just to get out. But before I knew it, I felt a hard pang on my stomach and seeing dark dots all over the place. And soon developed darkness....


This is it. One of the biggest challenges Matt and Bailey are going to be going through, pain, heart ace, and many other gruesome feelings both of them will undergo...Sorry it's short. But I really don't wanna post the other half of this story in this chap, I feel it's better if it's next chap cuz it's going to be long...

Happy reading!

Teaser: Explanations, Confessions, Realizations...

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