new hopes?

18 1 0

I seriously can't believe this. MY Patrick dismissing me for Sadie.

 Actually, scrap that. He's not 'mine' anymore. He has taken this too far now. We had such an intimate conversation yet he still has the sheer audacity to return back to Sadie J.

Crying, I heave myself upon my bed and take out my laptop - I need something to distract me from the despicable acts of Patrick. I am no longer his minion. 

I browse the internet for ages and decide to watch a youtube video on how to get over a heartbreak when I'm introduced to an advert. There's a competition on who has the most beautiful feet.

"Hey, you!" The advertisement exclaims. "Are you tired of having those precious feet being underrated, dismissed and left for the dirt. Well, no longer will you have to suffer without showing off those cute cuticles! Check out to see whether you are eligible to compete with the best feet in your nation!"

My eyes widen with excitement. This is a sign - it's fate. 

This is how I'm going to get over Patrick. I am going to win lots of money and respect and live a life of luxury. He doesn't know what he's missing out on.

Jokes on him and Sadie. They have no chance of even comparing themselves to me. I am so superior in comparison to them it's insane.

My mother always told me I should pursue my dreams in what career suits me right. I know this is my destiny because why else did it speak straight to my heart? I could easily become a model but a foot model? That's another level of elite.

Beatrice Guacamole, foot model. You shall all bow to my name.

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