2end part - Back in time

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Prequel to "Her last thoughts"

How everything changed

Everything was so similar, yet so different.
Like night and day.
She remembered it perfectly, the day it all changed. Or rather the day she had noticed.

She was standing on a white cliff. Her family was on a vacation. She stood a bit away from the edge, the void, scared to fall into the waves. They were calm, but the drop was terrifying. 
It was midmorning and the sun shone brightly. A light, warm spring breeze swayed.  She thought about how beautiful everything looked,
and then, she realized how unreal it was. It was all beautiful, perfect. Nothing like the real life...
End of flashback

The minute she realized the truth, everything changed.  Nothing was as beautiful as it had been before. Everything seemed black and white and monotone.

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