Story three; 1st part - Into the water

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"Why'd you lie to me! I thought we were friends?!?!

Like you've never lied!

I thought you trusted me? I've never told anyone your secrets, and I've always been there for you!

Your always so pessimistic!
I wanted to be happy without all the "ifs" and "buts"!

I'm sorry! I just don't want you get hurt!

Ok. Whatever...

I've had enough! IVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR YOU, but do you even know what's going on in my life?!
Do you notice the fake smiles?!


No? That's what I thought!

I storm out of my friends house; or what I used to consider a friends house. I didn't want to cry! At least not in front of her.
I ran home and trying to sound happy as I called out,
"Anyone home?"
No one answered. Of my parents this was not expected but I thought at least my brother would be home. As I sulked around my house I caught sight of  letter paper and a pen laying on my desk.
"Finally, this it it. This is my chance."
Wiping the stray tears of my face I went to my desk and started writing letters to everyone.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Dear baby bro,
Here I paused and let one of the tears that were, once again falling down my face, drop onto the parchment.  Although he was not much younger than me, that had always been my nickname for him. I hoped one day he would understand.

Dear Malory,
This is my goodbye. It's not your fault. It's just all too much! We have been friends for so long, I'm sad it has to end this way, but remember me by the memories we made, not the fight we had.

I finished writing my letters and sealed them in envelopes. As I was doing this, reality hit me like a wave. I was actually doing this! In a some (sort of sick) way, I was proud of myself.

Before I could turn around and decide it was a bad idea, I put the letters on the door mat and got into my car. I drove randomly listening to sad music, drowning out my thoughts.
After awhile I approached an old bridge. It was high above a deep lake.
"Perfect" I thought as I looked into the water that was slowly turning black as it became dark. I realized someone would soon be
home and see the letters.

It was now or never...

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