3erd part - After the jump

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After the jump

All around her bubbles roses up. She hadn't died from impact. How? She so badly wanted to do this!

So she slowly let herself sink. Deeper and deeper in the freezing waters.
Memories flash through her head and subconsciously she began, one stroke after another to swim back up.

Suddenly, as if woken from a trance, she broke through the surface of the water. As she opened her eyes and breathed in the cold night air, she realized,
"fate may want me to stay after all."

She saw the sea shore gleaming in the moonlight. Slowly, as if a sign from nature, the tide pulled her towards land.

She crawled out of the sea, her tears mixing with the salty water. In agony she dragged herself across the wet sand. Her feet felt so heavy, yet her soul somehow light. Sad but in a way relieved she took one step at a time on the path back home.

Before walking into the house she looked up to the sky, as if wanting to talk to the universe, "What does life really want from me? Tell me, I don't get it!!!" 

End of story 1

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